Making of a Samuel
As long as Samuel was judge over Israel, all the enemies were incapacitated. They all feared Samuel and all Israel was safe--because God's hand was heavy against the enemy for Samuel's sake [1Sam.7.13]. God allowed no word of declaration from Samuel to fall to the ground void. We should see the Kingdom principles behind the making of a Samuel. We need Samuels today in the church. Samuels in church will render devils powerless, fearful, and frozen to inactivity against their will. God will cause our enemies to be at peace with us --because they have no choice. Being a Samuel is being God's flesh on earth. Barrenness God had to make Hannah barren. To produce a Samuel, God has to make you nothing. Even Christ, the greatest move of God (sending His Son), was made nothing , taking the form of a slave. Barrenness was a terrible stigma in those days, and Hannah had to undergo it--for meekness sake. God won't do anything great and powerful until he first makes his instrum...