
Silly Discipleship

You'll hear of churches today doing what they call a   discipleship . At first glance you'd think that they've finally gotten the whole point. But on closer look, you'd see that it's all nothing but trash. Their discipleship is just another church   program . Why did they decide to have a discipleship? It's often for two reasons: 1.      They're losing their membership. 2.      They want to increase church membership by trapping people to what they call   discipleship . What do they do in their discipleship? ANSWER: Bible studies. They look for a good "discipleship" material to use and they study the bible following that guide. It all look spiritual and nice. But if you're spiritually sharp. you'd see that it's just another man's program, a result of the devil's deception. Genuine Jesus Discipleship The Jesus discipleship was not just a bible study. It never was a program to up membership or to tie down peop...

Making of a Samuel

As long as Samuel was judge over Israel, all the enemies were incapacitated. They all feared Samuel and all Israel was safe--because God's hand was heavy against the enemy for Samuel's sake [1Sam.7.13]. God allowed no word of declaration from Samuel to fall to the ground void. We should see the Kingdom principles behind the making of a Samuel. We need Samuels today in the church. Samuels in church will render devils powerless, fearful, and frozen to inactivity against their will. God will cause our enemies to be at peace with us --because they have no choice. Being a Samuel is being God's flesh on earth. Barrenness God had to make Hannah barren. To produce a Samuel, God has to make you nothing. Even Christ, the greatest move of God (sending His Son), was made nothing , taking the form of a slave. Barrenness was a terrible stigma in those days, and Hannah had to undergo it--for meekness sake. God won't do anything great and powerful until he first makes his instrum...

When Lust Turns to Rape

Two sisters, Oholah and Oholibah, were into prostitution since their youth in Egypt, says God. Later on, Oholah, the older, was forcibly "stripped naked" (or raped) and killed by her Assyrian lovers and took her sons away. However, her sister, Oholibiah, did worse. She carried on with her prostitution with the Assyrians and Babylonians, but later "turned away in disgust of them," like how raped victims would feel. This discussion is vital for being God's flesh on earth. When God talked of this to Ezekiel in chapter 23, he was actually talking about Israel and Judah, the sisters. God was talking of his "chosen" people. They were prostitutes who learned the trade in Egypt and carried it on to their nationhood. They fondly recalled their lust days in Egypt as they committed sexual immorality with the Assyrians and Babylonians. Sin is that dirty in God eyes, particularly idolatry. It's an evil sexual act. You have an idol in your heart, God se...

God's Face is the Only Food I Crave For

If it isn't God's face, I don't want any part in it. I want God, period. He alone satisfies my soul. He alone is the Apple of my eyes. Show me God and I'll go all the way with you. If you can't, never invite me to anything else you and your church have. I'll get bored to death. I'm tired of everything else. God's face is the only food I crave for. If you can interview Moses today, and ask him what one thing he desires, he'd probably answer you something like the above. That's why he was God's friend. With other prophets God spoke through dreams, but with Moses, he spoke face to face. Because Moses once said something to this effect: "God's face is the only food I crave for." That's being God's flesh on earth. Imagine an 80-year old man going up and down a high mountain several times, even without eating for 40 days and night. All that just to see God's face. And I can't understand why believers today just sit...

Seeing and Hearing God is Genuine Church

Church has devolved through centuries of nothing--nothing but men's efforts, achievements, doctrines, and programs. What we call "church" today is a social gathering shrouded in "born again" religion. But John tells us of a genuine church. This church is a real fellowship of believers. And the fellowship is based on supernatural factors: seeing God and hearing God. This is the true basis for church. "We confirm to you what we have seen and heard. This way, you will also have fellowship with us," [1Jn.1.3].  This is among Kingdom principles on being God's flesh. John had to proclaim or pass on to them what they (the apostles) had seen and heard--they saw and heard the Life, who is God. They touched, talked to, and smelled God. Yes, God himself! And they wanted to pass that on to us so we may have true fellowship. Genuine fellowship in church is making their experience our experience. It's never about programs or activities or gatherings or ...

No God in Church

They say God is in their church--that's what church people hype about. If you bite the bait and go there, they'd try to make it look and feel like that--that God is there. They'd make everything solemn or lively, look serious with what they're doing, then chant that "God is here, Amen?" The rest would answer, "Amen!" If you don't respond accordingly, they'd say something's wrong with you spiritually. But if you'd be honest about it, there's no sign of him there. No God in church. All you see is what man is doing in church. All you have is a man-encounter. But they'd say, you must believe that God is there, even if you don't see him. Happy are those who believe and yet not see. You must believe that where two or three are gathered in His Name... Okay, but God is still not there. His omnipresence is probably there, as it is present in beer houses, sex dens, drug sessions, and Congress, but it's not the kind of presen...

God is Not a Problem Solver

Sure, God can solve problems. He's so good at it. But he does not want to be our problem solver, just like a church pastor is not there to be a problem solver. Many church people see God as problem solver so they bring him all their problems. If you get to attend a prayer meeting today, you'd hear all sorts of problems they want God to solve. But God is not a problem solver. He is God. And as God he has lots of things in mind he wants done. So he wants us to be problem solvers, strategic servants out to solve problems the devil has devised to destroy man. God wants us to solve what he sees as real problems--not problems spoiled and silly men want you to solve for them so they'd live happily ever after in their carnal flesh. That's what most church people want from God and from their pastors--make them happily serve God. And a lot of pastors act accordingly. You have problems? You think you need God to answer your problems? Well, chances are, you'd be frustrate...