
Kingdom Big Events

God Has Little Concern for World Big Events We often marvel at the big events that happen in the world--like a royal wedding, a big concert by a famous pop star, the rise to fame of a top performer, a major and historical political event, war, an international development, a Vatican ritual, or even major happenings in a mega evangelical church or born again ministry. We imagine that heaven must also be busy with these developments and God is surely closely monitoring--if not personally behind--these things. We imagine them as Kingdom big events angels busily descend upon and ascend from.  We may also imagine the same with our church anniversaries or concerts. We think God is also excited about them, dispatching angels to assist our programs and supply resources and celebrate in heaven as it is in our church building. We think like this because we don't know God or his priorities. To be sure, everything that happens in the world is under God's monitoring...

How The Bible Kills You

How the bible kills you. Wow, what a title for a Christian blog article. Are you shocked? I bet you clicked this article real fast to see what this heresy is all about. Well, don't blame me--the apostle Paul wrote about it and I'm merely writing it here in my own plain version. Go check it out--the bible can kill you. "I realized that the very Word or commandment that was designed to give me life actually brought me death," [Rom.7.10]. See? How is this possible? It happens when you study or meditate the bible while still in sin. Say, you're now a so-called born-again Christian, even very active in church, but you still harbor or enjoy a little sin here and there because, anyway, silly preachers say you're saved by grace (so you don't have to tire yourself trying to be ultra good and clean) and impress on people indirectly that being in sin is okay because anyway, you're saved by grace and God understands you. We're not saved by works or b...

Death that Destroys the Devil

Hebrews chapter 2 is full of powerful Kingdom principles we should discover for ourselves--like the death that destroys the devil. They're hidden deep in the words and only the Holy Spirit's power can open our eyes to them. Like the power of Jesus' death. That death destroys the devil [2.14]. Hebrews declares that the devil holds the power of death , but Jesus' death destroys the devil. And that death can be ours. How can death be victorious over anything, especially the devil? We picture death as the end , and often, an end that is anything but glorious. It's defeat. We cry over people who die. Even Christian churches do it. They follow solemn funeral and interment programs with very formal eulogies because no one dares laugh during those moments. Well, some do laugh, but not out of victory but out of fond memories with the departed. Few deeply realize that death is gain.  Paul told the Thessalonians that they shouldn't be like those who were ignora...

New Evangelism

These last days, God's Kingdom is moving a new evangelism. It's not anymore purely scare tactics that force you to choose between the fires of hell or comfort in heaven. People who "accept" salvation by choosing heaven's comfort often make an intellectual decision--they don't want to suffer hell. That's smart. But God's Kingdom is now offering a new evangelism-- receiving Jesus because they fall madly in love with him. Romans says, "If you believe in your'll be justified (and saved) ." It's not head belief that really saves; it's heart belief. And God's Kingdom is now pointedly disseminating that. Receiving Christ out of a fanatical, mad, and desperate love for him and what he does and has. Receiving the Kingdom The Kingdom of God is within you, says the Master. If it's in you then you should act it out now. You should be a Kingdom person. A sure connection with God is seeking His Kingdom first. A...

True Holiness Gauge

It's easy to seclude yourself in church ministries and not get involved in the world and "live holy." That was the idea of monasteries where monks lived in mountain seclusions far away from civilization. And they indeed assumed an appearance of holiness. But that's not the true gauge of holiness. I've seen believers and pastors who looked okay while engrossed in church ministries (and confined there) but went wild with sin when exposed to the real world. Some drowned in greed, others wallowed in lust, fornication, adultery, and other forms of sexual immorality. Why? Their spiritual immune system was down while hidden far away in a germ-free environ, as it were. The moment they were in touch with the real world their immune system couldn't handle it. Soaking and hiding in church attendance or ministries cannot empower you to overcome the world. They just incubate sin, nourishing and growing it in a quiet environment waiting for the right time to explod...

God as Your Stronghold

Origin "My Life's Stronghold is God." -Ps.27 We read about it several times in the bible that God is a stronghold. Do we know what "stronghold" means? Often, we associate "stronghold" with the devil, like "the devil's stronghold." So, what do we mean by God is my  stronghold ? How does God become a  stronghold?  If you don't know what it means to have God as stronghold, that's a stronghold. Devil as Stronghold When a person has strong propensities to sin and evil, we say that it's due to a stronghold . And we mean that the devil's hold on that person is really strong. No matter how much that person wants to change and start going to church, he just can't. When presented with a situation that makes him choose between good and evil, he is likely to choose evil even if in his mind he wants good. If he chooses good, it'll just be for a moment---probably 5 seconds---and then back to evil again...

Foolish Programs

Recently the Lord gave me something. It was like a question--how come people make formal programs when they meet for prayer, but pray differently when face to face with real danger? For instance, in a district prayer meeting. Churches gather together and follow a formal program. There is an opening remark, an opening prayer, a welcome remark, a message, and then they pray. The same thing happens in local church prayer meetings. When the danger is just imagined or merely possible, they can afford to be formal like that. But when the danger strikes, I wonder if they can be as formal and orderly? When the Tsunami in Japan was happening last year, I'm sure they didn't have formal programs when they prayed. I can imagine they were praying where they were and just crying out to God. Even after that, I bet they didn't bother with programs. They just assembled together and prayed. They didn't look for any program or ceremony. But I'm pretty sure, too, that after ...