
How the Acts Church Really Started Mission Work 2

Here's Part 1 Ylanite Koppens While Waiting for More Instructions After that, they had to wait for orders from heaven again. They didn't sit down and figure out what to do next. What they did was devote themselves in apostolic teachings, communion and prayer while waiting. The apostles did signs and wonders. They met together in the temple courts and fellowshipped in their homes. As they did, the Lord (it was the Lord!) added more to their number. So, they continuously shared the Word in their vicinity while waiting for further instructions. Then comes chapter three. Peter and John "happened" to be in the temple (God again arranged this) and saw a guy lame from birth. Led by the Spirit, they healed the man and the thing attracted multitudes to gather around them at Solomon's Colonnade. Again, Peter had opportunity to preach. They didn't sit and meet to make these things happen. "OK, this time we go to the temple and heal a lame there (or ...

How the Acts Church Really Started Mission Work 1

Raw Pixel It wasn't because they didn't to go out and do mission work that God allowed them to be persecuted and scattered abroad, which suggests forced missionary work. God does everything by grace, not force, coercion or compulsion. But the story floated around by some preachers said God allowed the church to be persecuted because it refused to carry out the great commission and remained contented staying in Jerusalem. This is grossly inaccurate. From the start since Pentecost, the church has been excited about evangelism. Prior to Pentecost they locked themselves up in the upper room, but only per Jesus' instruction. He said wait in Jerusalem for the promised Holy Spirit. And the disciples knew well what "wait" meant. The modern church doesn't. It just does anything it sees effective and gathers crowds. It loves doing what I call just-do-it evangelism . The principle is similar to the days of the Judges--they did as they saw fit. Modern Ch...

Real Reason Why People Sleep in Church

Reddit It has so little to do with the preacher, if any. Believe me. In fact, I think it has NOTHING to do at all with the preacher or program. I've listened to a lot of boring preachers but I didn't doze off. Lousy programs bore me but I don't get sleepy during worship programs--though I'd be aching to go home ASAP. Sleeping in bed is better. You're sleepy simply because you're sleepy. You're either tired or lazy. Worse, you're carnal. By God's grace, people are wide awake when I preach. Probably they watch and wonder about my gray hair or red nose. On some occasions, I catch 2 or 3 sleepers and I let them enjoy their nap. Some preachers would be offended. Not me. Like Paul, I'd let them sleep and fall off from the third floor. After they regain consciousness, they become totally changed. Some are honestly tired. They did something important Saturday night, spent overtime on it and I understand that. Some unthinking companies requ...

Gospel of the Kingdom 6: Jesus' Discipleship

Here's Gospel of the Kingdom 5 USC Dornsife There's no other discipleship except Jesus's discipleship. So examine carefully everything he did with his disciples and make that your discipleship model, nothing more, nothing less. It's not a church program---it's a life. It's also the Kingdom vehicle to seriously and powerfully train for ministry and missions. Well, many today claim their discipleship is not a program. But when you look at it, IT IS. Nothing but man's religious program. Yup, Jesus used mainly his discipleship model to train apostles and prophets. His plan was to leave his ministry to 12 apostles (plus the 72 others), some of whom were also prophets (like John and Peter), and to train them for this, he used discipleship---not bible schools or seminaries. You have to grasp this truth or else you totally lose it. The secrets of the Kingdom is given only to some---to those who get Jesus' truths, not man's religious theories. To...

Gospel of the Kingdom 5: Just 3 Ministry Focuses

Here's Gospel of the Kingdom 4 GlassDoor Matthew chapter 4 clearly shows it. Jesus did just three things in ministry--- preached the Gospel , made disciples and healed the sick . Period. Nothing more, nothing less. And that's what he did to the end, before dying on the cross for our sins. Then in John 14.12 we find him saying, "Anyone who has faith in me will do the same works I've been doing." If you want to do the genuine ministry, you have to do as Jesus did. And he focused on just three. Anything beyond them is trash. Dead works or works of the flesh. Good to look at, even effective, but trash nonetheless. It can draw lots of people to your church, even produce conversions and mega membership, but it will just create an image of liveliness. Like a mega Sardis church: " have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead." Here's a Sardis church---sleepy, dead and whatever it has left is about to die, incomplete. And ye...

Gospel of the Kingdom 4: REPENT!

Here's Gospel of the Kingdom 3 DepositPhotos Repent for the Kingdom is Near The pressing message of the Gospel of the Kingdom is REPENT! It was then and it will be in these last days. John the baptist preached it (Matt.3.2) as did Jesus (Matt.417). It's the urgency, the top agenda, in the Book of Revelation as angels warn churches in the last days. To the Ephesus church, God says repent and do the things you did at first (2.5). To the Pergamum church, he says repent and do away with the Nicolaitan's and Balaam's teachings (2.14-16). To the church in Thyatira, he says repent or suffer with Jezebel (2.22). To the Sardis church he says repent from dead works (3.3). Finally, to the Laodicean church he says be earnest and repent of lukewarmness (3.19). All on repentance. Only Smyrna and Philadelphia are spared. Thus, it's easy to see if you're actually building God's Kingdom on earth or just building your own empire. If you're not preachi...

Gospel of the Kingdom 3: Growing Your Ministry in the Kingdom

Here's Gospel of the Kingdom 2 Lynda.Com How to Grow Your Ministry This is the perennial problem of pastors---how to grow their ministry. They seek high and low, far and wide for this. They worry about it endlessly, not understanding that growth belongs to God alone. He decides this, not us. Our job is to share the Gospel of the Kingdom, period. I've seen pastors make target goals for their membership. They plan to hit this much by year's end or after 3 or 5 years. It's foolish. A 5-year old kid cannot target to grow taller by 5 inches at the end of the year. God decides this. If he wills that you grow to 5 feet 8 inches when you're 16, then you will. Others take growth pills and gain height artificially. Okay, but be ready for the side effects---like an elongated head perhaps. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. [1 Corin. 3.7] Growth is God's department (in fact, everything...