
Apostolic Teachings 2: The Son Can Do Nothing

Here's Part 1 Acharaporn Kamornboonyarush As I've said, the church needs to DEVOTE itself to the apostle's teachings as the Acts church did. I stress on the word "devote" once more. They didn't just try or touch on them. The believers in Acts devoted themselves to it. As serious as the picture shown above. And apostolic teachings are found all over Scriptures, both Old and New. The church's problem is, they can't see it. They read past them but don't see them in spirit. So the church has become worldly, worldlier than the world. It has religious rituals to make it look spiritual--everything orderly and according to their sound theology--but very worldly nonetheless. Rituals will never fool God. God looks for his truth, his Word made flesh. Genuinely apostolic and prophetic. Without this, church naturally and inevitably turns worldly. That's why we have to devote in them. Abiding in GOD's presence. Click here. Here's ...

Apostolic Teachings

Energepic.Com As I've said, the church needs to devote itself in apostolic teachings as the Acts church did. For one thing, Paul said God's mysterious plans for the church are revealed to apostles and prophets--nothing said about pastors unless probably he is apostolic and prophetic. A pastor devoted to apostolic teachings becomes apostolic. More so if he is connected to an apostle. I know this talk about apostles and the apostolic is kinda weird to a lot of church people today, especially to those initiated in human theologies. It's because the church is lost. Yes, it continues to do ministry, but does so only in it's own mind and strength. It's not enough to pray for your programs. More importantly, we need to make sure we're doing God's plan. Here's God's plan: In reading this, then, you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ, 5 which was not made known to people in other generations as it has now been revealed b...

Apostolic Teachings Today: Do You Have Them?

Image The one reply I often get when I ask this question is this: "We have no more apostles today so no need for apostolic teachings." A few believe the apostolic teachings are still relevant because they're in the bible, problem is they don't know what to do with them. Frankly, I haven't seen a single church deal seriously with apostolic teachings today. Why? And what actually are apostolic teachings? Do you know? We read in Acts how believers "devoted themselves to the apostles' teachings" but we don't know exactly what apostles' teachings are. What specifically are they? We don't know what because I don't see anyone in church teaching them and I don't see any church operating in them. One apostolic teaching is communal sharing. Watch this and observe the contextual connection: They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone ...

Does Your Discipleship Produce Apostles and Prophets?

GoodStock.Photos A private company embarks on an ambitious and gargantuan project. It needs the best expertise to handle the undertaking. What does it do? Hire the best for the job. And what do they mean by "the best"? Well trained personnel with competent scholastic record. People with the best school credentials and who have undergone advanced relevant studies. What does the church with a similar venture do? It gets the best. Expectedly, it gets those with bible school and seminary degrees, even doctorate degrees. It's a serious and major task so the church gets nothing less. Most preferably, people selected should have a position--director of this and that, superintendent, bishop, etc. If not, they undergo rigid training, schooling or seminars in the best bible institutions. But what does God do? When Jesus was about to start his important mission-- save the world , a big task, nothing like it in all of world history--he chose "ordinary, unschooled...

How the Acts Church Really Started Mission Work 2

Here's Part 1 Ylanite Koppens While Waiting for More Instructions After that, they had to wait for orders from heaven again. They didn't sit down and figure out what to do next. What they did was devote themselves in apostolic teachings, communion and prayer while waiting. The apostles did signs and wonders. They met together in the temple courts and fellowshipped in their homes. As they did, the Lord (it was the Lord!) added more to their number. So, they continuously shared the Word in their vicinity while waiting for further instructions. Then comes chapter three. Peter and John "happened" to be in the temple (God again arranged this) and saw a guy lame from birth. Led by the Spirit, they healed the man and the thing attracted multitudes to gather around them at Solomon's Colonnade. Again, Peter had opportunity to preach. They didn't sit and meet to make these things happen. "OK, this time we go to the temple and heal a lame there (or ...

How the Acts Church Really Started Mission Work 1

Raw Pixel It wasn't because they didn't to go out and do mission work that God allowed them to be persecuted and scattered abroad, which suggests forced missionary work. God does everything by grace, not force, coercion or compulsion. But the story floated around by some preachers said God allowed the church to be persecuted because it refused to carry out the great commission and remained contented staying in Jerusalem. This is grossly inaccurate. From the start since Pentecost, the church has been excited about evangelism. Prior to Pentecost they locked themselves up in the upper room, but only per Jesus' instruction. He said wait in Jerusalem for the promised Holy Spirit. And the disciples knew well what "wait" meant. The modern church doesn't. It just does anything it sees effective and gathers crowds. It loves doing what I call just-do-it evangelism . The principle is similar to the days of the Judges--they did as they saw fit. Modern Ch...

Real Reason Why People Sleep in Church

Reddit It has so little to do with the preacher, if any. Believe me. In fact, I think it has NOTHING to do at all with the preacher or program. I've listened to a lot of boring preachers but I didn't doze off. Lousy programs bore me but I don't get sleepy during worship programs--though I'd be aching to go home ASAP. Sleeping in bed is better. You're sleepy simply because you're sleepy. You're either tired or lazy. Worse, you're carnal. By God's grace, people are wide awake when I preach. Probably they watch and wonder about my gray hair or red nose. On some occasions, I catch 2 or 3 sleepers and I let them enjoy their nap. Some preachers would be offended. Not me. Like Paul, I'd let them sleep and fall off from the third floor. After they regain consciousness, they become totally changed. Some are honestly tired. They did something important Saturday night, spent overtime on it and I understand that. Some unthinking companies requ...