Why Confining Your Eyesight to the "Positives" in Life Won't Work
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God knew this. I mean, he himself designed life to have both positive and negative, and he never intended to ignore or hide the negative. It will never work. If you're Truth (Jesus is the Truth), you have to openly deal with both without covering up or hiding anything. He calls good "good" and bad "bad."
He never thought he had to hide the fact that one time he "regretted" ever creating man. Watch how he put it in writing in the bible:
The LORD regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. [Genesis 6.6]He also "regretted" making Saul king [1 Samuel 15.11]. He could have just kept quiet about it or kept it a secret and focused on the bright side of things. But no, he had to put it in writing in Scriptures. He had to make it known to all. Why?
Because truth is not truth if you omit even just one tiny detail of it. This is what proponents of positive thinking do not understand, especially those in church. There is NO power in watered down truth. Cover-ups or whitewash for mistakes or sin corrode genuine power until there is none---which is what often happens to many churches today.
To free yourself from religious cover-ups and whitewash, click here.
In their bid to give their church denominations an artificial image of being immaculate and glorious and ideal, they cover up errors and wickedness and highlight the positive. And yet they insist that there is no perfect church. If you talk about their negatives, they accuse you of "gossiping."
God told about the sins of Lucifer, Cain, David, Solomon, Judas, Ananias and Sapphira, etc. plainly in the bible. There was never any effort for cover-up. It's the secret to glory---transparency. If anyone sins in church, Jesus' first instruction is to confront. If the sinner persists, tell it to two other witnesses. If the sinner still persists, tell it to the church. Expose!
You have to look at both positive and negative and consider them seriously. It's the only way to come up with a realistic conclusion or action. Many times, you have to stop pursuing a course of action and find another path. Positive thinkers would tell you never to give up and remain in your present course instead. That's being narrow-minded and immature. You have to always consult God and take his direction. Many times, he would tell you to take another path or destination or goal.
You need people around you who are not really negative but are broad-minded to see that there are always pros and cons to every situation or alternative. We need Nathans who will tell us that we're doing wrong when we have been blinded by our imagined successes, as prophet Nathan did King David during his illicit affair with Bathsheba.
I always see people as they are. I see their good and bad sides. I see their positive and negative traits. The wonder is, I am able to accept and love them despite their bad sides. But of course, I act accordingly, like weed out bad or inappropriate people. Smart Alecks would tell you not to look at the negative side or "judge" people. But I know better. I look at everything. Truth sees everything as they are. Truth is also honest.
Some people would ignore negative factors when planning for something. If you point out the weaknesses of a matter, they'd say you have little faith or you are a coward. To them, plunging headlong into something is smart and strong and bold because it looks impressive. They are easily drawn to anything that looks impressive, anything that will make them great and earn trophies. Gullible people.
For me, I'd easily postpone or abandon a plan altogether once I see how silly it is. I don't care what people think. I don't want stupid stress later---something I could have prevented from the start. Jesus said before you undertake to build a palace, check first if you have the money. If you'd fight with only 10,000 men, see if you can defeat someone with 20,000.
Most people would go for folks with charm, charisma, popularity, potential, credentials, titles and degrees for leadership. Some pastors even say you have a "calling" from God once they see these traits in you, whatever that means. But I always look for character. If a guy lacks true meekness, I won't be impressed. I won't choose him or her for leadership---though they can always freely attend my Word sessions anytime.
But then they'd say I shouldn't be too negative. "Don't look at the negative side. Always look for the positive side in a person!" Yeah? Then Jesus should have chosen the Pharisees and law teachers.
You can't close your eyes to the negative. They are there for a purpose. Spiritually sharp and accurate people see everything. It's scary when all you see in this world are its bright sides---the world's lights are deceitful. There's a way that seems right to a man, but the end of it is death.
To free yourself from religious cover-ups and whitewash, click here.
In their bid to give their church denominations an artificial image of being immaculate and glorious and ideal, they cover up errors and wickedness and highlight the positive. And yet they insist that there is no perfect church. If you talk about their negatives, they accuse you of "gossiping."
God told about the sins of Lucifer, Cain, David, Solomon, Judas, Ananias and Sapphira, etc. plainly in the bible. There was never any effort for cover-up. It's the secret to glory---transparency. If anyone sins in church, Jesus' first instruction is to confront. If the sinner persists, tell it to two other witnesses. If the sinner still persists, tell it to the church. Expose!
But everything exposed by the light becomes visible---and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. [Ephesians 5.13]Instead of resulting to something shameful, there was revival in the Acts church when people started exposing their own sins in public.
Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed what they had done...In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power. [Acts 19]I have seen how church denominations covered up the sins of their ministers and leaders, keeping the matter among the upper leaders and hiding it from their members. In some cases no disciplinary action was taken, and even if there was, it was too lenient. The bible says the solution is to expose it to the light. Anyone who hates such exposure "does evil and hates the light and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed" [John 3.20].
You have to look at both positive and negative and consider them seriously. It's the only way to come up with a realistic conclusion or action. Many times, you have to stop pursuing a course of action and find another path. Positive thinkers would tell you never to give up and remain in your present course instead. That's being narrow-minded and immature. You have to always consult God and take his direction. Many times, he would tell you to take another path or destination or goal.
You need people around you who are not really negative but are broad-minded to see that there are always pros and cons to every situation or alternative. We need Nathans who will tell us that we're doing wrong when we have been blinded by our imagined successes, as prophet Nathan did King David during his illicit affair with Bathsheba.
I always see people as they are. I see their good and bad sides. I see their positive and negative traits. The wonder is, I am able to accept and love them despite their bad sides. But of course, I act accordingly, like weed out bad or inappropriate people. Smart Alecks would tell you not to look at the negative side or "judge" people. But I know better. I look at everything. Truth sees everything as they are. Truth is also honest.
Some people would ignore negative factors when planning for something. If you point out the weaknesses of a matter, they'd say you have little faith or you are a coward. To them, plunging headlong into something is smart and strong and bold because it looks impressive. They are easily drawn to anything that looks impressive, anything that will make them great and earn trophies. Gullible people.
For me, I'd easily postpone or abandon a plan altogether once I see how silly it is. I don't care what people think. I don't want stupid stress later---something I could have prevented from the start. Jesus said before you undertake to build a palace, check first if you have the money. If you'd fight with only 10,000 men, see if you can defeat someone with 20,000.
Most people would go for folks with charm, charisma, popularity, potential, credentials, titles and degrees for leadership. Some pastors even say you have a "calling" from God once they see these traits in you, whatever that means. But I always look for character. If a guy lacks true meekness, I won't be impressed. I won't choose him or her for leadership---though they can always freely attend my Word sessions anytime.
But then they'd say I shouldn't be too negative. "Don't look at the negative side. Always look for the positive side in a person!" Yeah? Then Jesus should have chosen the Pharisees and law teachers.
You can't close your eyes to the negative. They are there for a purpose. Spiritually sharp and accurate people see everything. It's scary when all you see in this world are its bright sides---the world's lights are deceitful. There's a way that seems right to a man, but the end of it is death.
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