
Showing posts with the label Glorious Church

Leaving the Land of Slavery: EBook on Genuine Revival and the Glorious Church

Image Finally, the book "Leaving the Land of Slavery" is out for sale online in e-book form. It is about God's formula in the bible on genuine church revival and how the glorious church of Jesus Christ--which is without spot or wrinkle--should be started and operated to build God's Kingdom on earth. To be sure it is radical and contains nothing of the usual. It depicts what churches are today--all man and nothing of God--and how God's genuine church in Christ is yet to be manifested to all since world history began. Fact is, since man took over church from the Acts, we have taken out from the Word it's real supernatural power and have not allowed God's Word and principles to build his church on earth. Everything has been of man and how he adulterated the Word of God to suit his designs and his own ways, building his own empires, which are the denominations. But in these last days, God is going to restore everything back to his will, Word, an

If MY People, Not the People or Government

With the devastation by typhoon Yolanda of central Visayas in the Philippines, and the prophecy from India that another super typhoon may again hit the country in April, popular church leaders urge the stop of corruption in government. People should repent of wickedness, especially those in government, they stress, and then quote or sing, "If my people who are called by my name.." in 2 Chronicles 7.14. Well, they're reading it wrong. First, in the passage above, God urges HIS people , not the people in general nor the government. The term My people are people of the covenant. So, in Chronicles, it applied to the whole nation of Israel, which was God's chosen, especially its government. But we cannot say the same of the Philippines, or of other nations, even the US. All people in the Philippines and people in government [and especially a people soaked in centuries of an idolatrous religion] cannot be called My people . My people are genuine born again Christian

Hebrews 8: The Superior Church Ministry

It's the superior church ministry. The only true church recognized in heaven is the Glorious Church of Jesus Christ, without spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. It has a high Priest--Jesus, of the Melchizedek Order. He serves in the sanctuary of the true tabernacle (or church) set up by God himself, and nothing in it is man-made--because anything man-made is collapsing, especially in our time. If you're not a member of this church, you're nothing, zero, pffft! All your church accomplishments are garbage. Jesus ministers in a sanctuary in heaven which the Father Himself has set up. You should be in this church. We all should be oriented in the spiritual set up of this church. Our mindset should have nothing but the mindset of this church ministry--the superior church ministry. And this church should be the one you're attending now, in this life, in this world. Remember?--"Your will be done on earth as in heaven." If the church you're attending

Acts Church: "None Among Them was in Need"

Whenever I open my bible and pass through the book of Acts, I often come across this powerful phrase: None among them (those connected with the Acts church) was in need." Powerful! I often stop and look afar and reflect, and then God opens my mind and the Acts church suddenly appears right before me, as it were . God often does that when we talk. God is not a liar. When he says "none" or "no one" in the Acts church was in need, he means it. You can count on it. Unlike today, you hear of church members who go bankrupt or jobless, or who are starving, or who are sick and do not have the means to seek a doctor and all the church could do is "pray" for them. And then they justify that by saying prayer is powerful and its the best help anyone can have.  Jesus did pray a lot, but he didn't just pray for everyone. He fed multitudes and healed all the sick (and I mean all) and produced money when needed. So did the Acts church. They didn't

Sheep Amid Wolves In Sheep's Clothing

Living as sheep amid wolves is nothing. Well, there can be lots of pressures but it's easy to see where to go, where to seek refuge. But when sheep live amid wolves in sheep's clothing, it's a different matter altogether. You got to stay spiritually extra sharp. Wolves in sheep's clothing are dangerous. They really seem allies in Christ. They help you build the church. They sound and look so, so spiritual. But they have this one trait that few see: they sometimes take off the sheep's clothing when nobody's around--or so they think. If you have God's eyes--and God sees everything; in fact nothing can be hidden from his eyes--then you easily spot wolves leaving the crowd to go somewhere secret to change clothes for a while.  You see, wolves are never really comfy in sheep's clothing. They get used to wearing it, but there's some sort of an expiry date or time when they need to take it off to let their natural skin breathe--or else the skin g

Turning the World Upside Down..Again!

In Acts 17, the radical believers of my Jesus almost turned the world upside down. Some interpreters would like to believe that they indeed turned the world upside down. Well, I think they their natural Jesus-self (it was Jesus really living in them, not them anymore) the world shuddered in unbelief, perplexity, and animosity, seeing the radical and extreme life of Jesus Christ in the church. And it went like a ravenous mad dog chasing after the believers. Every time the world sees Jesus, it will react like a greedy mad dog. That's why harm and chaos come to the worldly church when it tries to "see" Jesus. We think that if worldly people see Jesus they would repent and be born again and everything would be nice and peaceful, with everybody worshiping God so beautifully. WRONG! Persecution will come. And that's how we know that God is in us and our midst, moving and turning the world upside down. When Jesus is genuinely seen in believers, right and wrong is

Seeing and Hearing God is Genuine Church

Church has devolved through centuries of nothing--nothing but men's efforts, achievements, doctrines, and programs. What we call "church" today is a social gathering shrouded in "born again" religion. But John tells us of a genuine church. This church is a real fellowship of believers. And the fellowship is based on supernatural factors: seeing God and hearing God. This is the true basis for church. "We confirm to you what we have seen and heard. This way, you will also have fellowship with us," [1Jn.1.3].  This is among Kingdom principles on being God's flesh. John had to proclaim or pass on to them what they (the apostles) had seen and heard--they saw and heard the Life, who is God. They touched, talked to, and smelled God. Yes, God himself! And they wanted to pass that on to us so we may have true fellowship. Genuine fellowship in church is making their experience our experience. It's never about programs or activities or gatherings or

Micah: When God Finally Shepherds His People

Micah depicts the glory of God finally shepherding His true people. These are people who willingly “come to” the church (Micah.7.12), drawn by God Himself and not by man’s church gimmicks, programs, or any effort. Jesus said no person can come to him unless the Father draws that person to him (Jn.6.44 and 65). It is not dependent “on man’s desire or effort” (Rom.9) but on God’s mercy alone. Global Desolation God decreed a global desolation, which is already happening. These are the last days. People seek happiness and peace from various sources invented by man. This is reflected on how they make movies. They imagine salvation through their technology, and eternal life and power from the occult (like Twilight and similar movies). They revive myths and glamorize them (like Lightning Thief) to depict godly power. And why not? The “Christian” church built by men for centuries has been failing to show them real Godly awesome power—like what we read in the bible. God will m

Interesting Details about the Jesus Ministry

God often makes me dwell on a single chapter for weeks or even months to see important details of Scriptures which are often overlooked in ordinary bible studies. Like the first part of Matthew 12. It’s quite revealing how Jesus operated his ministry. It’s rather different from the kind of ministry that the church today admires. A Poor Ministry First, Jesus and his disciples went through the grainfields . That says a lot about the finances of the ministry. In those times, poor people and foreigners alone went through the fields after harvest to collect leftovers intended for the poor (Lev.19.10 and 23.22). God made it into a law to support those who were marginalized. If you did that, it didn’t mean you were begging from the field owner. It was God’s provision. God provided the field and the harvest from it, so he owned them all. Thus, he had the right to command field owners to spare a small part of the harvest as some kind of God’s return investment designed for the indigent.


Image Funny, but it's possible to be always around Jesus and yet fail to connect with him. You can be right there in the midst of what Jesus is doing--the fascinating Word revelation plus astounding signs and wonders--and yet miss the point altogether. "Anyone who is not with me is against me," he declared in Matt.12.30. When he said, "Anyone who is not with me," he was referring to the Pharisees and Law teachers who were there but were unable to connect. They were there and yet not there. That's what the context says. Jesus freed a demon-possessed synagogue member right in their midst, and they failed to get the point. Oh, don't think, how could these Pharisees not see the obvious? Because many Christians and churches and pastors today likewise have the inability to connect. Even some of those in our HISgroup discipleship. And like their Pharisee and Law teacher counterparts, disconnected "believers" today are solidly bible-b

True Church Fathers

It's Fathers Day once more. And for sure many churches will base their Sunday worship programs on this occasion, recognizing fathers in their church, and of course, God the Father, to make everything sound spiritually legit. It's all a waste of time and money. How I hope it's really about true church fathers. However, let's say Fathers Day is a legit event in God's eyes and not just a scheme of businessmen to jack up their profits. How would God want Fathers Day to be? What kind of fathers are true church fathers? First John 2 says it all. True church fathers are those who are spiritual and raise up strong spiritual sons and daughters. They are not just biological. Most "fathers" in church are merely biological--they're called fathers because they're able to impregnate their wives and have children. And some of them are "fathers" because they provide well for their families. These are all good and apt, but this is not what God

I Don’t Go To Church Anymore

Sometimes it’s shocking for some people to hear that I don’t go to church anymore. It’s unthinkable. It’s heretic. It’s mortal sin. Most people know me to be spiritual. I’d been an exemplary elder in church before—and was leader of its young people in my younger years. No wonder they frown at the idea. Well, it’s been an empowering experience really—that I don’t go to church anymore. Now, by “church” I mean the church that man has established through centuries and now is nothing but man’s ways, programs, activities, gimmicks, theology, and denominations. I don’t mean the genuine, spiritual church Jesus Christ is building. When talking of Christ’s spiritual church, the one he said he’d build in Matthew 16 when he was talking to Peter, the one that the gates of hell can never prevail against, then yup, I enjoy going to church. But when talking of man’s denominational church, no, I don’t go to church anymore. One reason is that man’s church has utterly lost connection with th

True Stewardship

Stewardship is how we take care of (or save) other's property entrusted to us. From an earthly perspective, yes. But God has a different idea about stewardship. It's often losing things (especially valuable things) he entrusted to us--to gain Him. Or losing what's dear to us to finally make the right spiritual investment. Sadly, church often has it the other way around. It sees stewardship the way the world does--storing up treasures on earth. Or, saving time on earth by not "wasting" it, for instance. Specifically, keeping church money intact in banks and making it grow. The more money saved, the better steward you are. Photo above by  Jonathan Pielmayer   on   Unsplash . Stewardship of money is often seen like what corporate companies do with their finances. Church would fuss a lot about accounting and auditing, records and ledgers. Spending only according to agreed budgets and apportionments. Not a cent would be used for spending anything unless the church boa