
Showing posts with the label Kingdom

Kingdom Purpose for the Church

Image This is how Jesus envisioned the church: "The gates of hell shall not prevail against it." This gives us a picture of a fierce battle, with the church in the offensive and hell in the defensive. And Jesus himself will build this church for this purpose---for war. Clearly, the church is an army of believers. More than singing and Sunday worship programs and performing traditional rituals, the church is for training warriors. Specifically, believers should be trained how to wear and use the armor of God and eventually become experts at it. This is the only real use of church---or the gathering of believers in Jesus' Name, nothing more nothing less. For deeper insights on what a true Jesus believer should be, this e-book will help. Click this link to check it out. Singing, choir, Sunday programs, concerts, and other traditional church activities are really of no use. You cannot attack the gates of hell by perfecting your tenor or bass voice or by

Why are the Poor in Spirit Blessed?

Image Why are the  poor in spirit  blessed? It baffles me each time I ponder on this passage, especially today when you see almost no one in church desiring to be poor in spirit. Is there? They all want to be somebody---they want titles, degrees, positions, recognition, the most number of members, the highest church income, the mega-est church of all. You can be poor in spirit even with all the above---prestige and even riches---but the problem is, I have yet to see someone who is. Well, there's Mother Teresa. Who else? Most of us just want to talk about ourselves and what we do and have [1 John 2.16]: For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. I also wonder why Jesus made poor in spirit number one among his Beatitude teachings, considered by many as his centerpiece teaching. Wouldn't God re

When GOD Steps in in Politics

Image Elections are just a few days ahead, and the church, as usual, doesn't know what it should do---though it pretends to. A lot of them join the political circus, thinking they have to "get involved" and be God's representative (whatever that means) in the fanfare, when all it does to them is get divided, ending up fighting each other. The times armies ended up killing each other in the bible was when God fought against them. Anyway, on the other hand, some church people also refuse to get involved because---like those who involve themselves--they, too, really don't know what to do. But they have one common denominator---they think God will involve Himself someway in politics. It was the same thing when Israel was waiting for the coming Messiah---they thought he was going to get involved politically and liberate them from Rome. Jesus never lifted a finger to do it. Instead, he introduced His Kingdom. The Kingdom had its own agenda,

Seriously, I'm Looking for These People

Image Really, I'm tired of churchy talks and especially about churchy ministries. I've been looking for people who talk about church and ministry as Jesus did. I've been looking around. Honestly--and unfortunately--I haven't seen any. I admit, I've been frustrated about this. I've been wishing to connect and have fellowship with them but I can't find any. There are lots of good pastors and church leaders out there, but I haven't met one who talks of ministry as Jesus did. Church people always talk about their church denomination--how many churches and members they have, what they did, what they accomplished, how many more they aim to have. It's always "our" this and that (admitting it's their empire) and "how many." David counted his troops one day and the Lord's wrath fell on him. Nebuchadnezzar talked about his empire to himself one day, marveling about it, and God sent him to the wilds to live

What Isn't Planted by the Father Will be Uprooted

GOD's Flesh: And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God;  I myself will see him with my own eyes—I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me! [Job 19,26-17] "Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots," [Matthew 15.13]. Jesus said, e very plant --there are many who plant, and sincerely at that. I can imagine many of the planters believe their plants are the Father's plants. Like the Pharisees. They were the "licensed," titled, and legitimate spiritual leaders of the true religion at the time.  "The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat.   So you must be careful to do everything they tell you," [Matthew 23.2] They belonged to the correct, bible based religion that found its origin in Moses, the man of God. Even Jesus vouched for the fact. And yet, they were not of the Father. Their plant was not planted by

Kingdom Culture: Creating Genuine New Creations in Christ

Make sure you have the Kingdom culture deep within you, not denominational or any other culture. Make certain also that you and what you do in life are well grounded only on the Jesus culture. Be strict about this. Be fanatical even. But everything should be natural in the spirit, nothing forced on yourself. It should all happen effortlessly. The Kingdom culture is there because it's no longer you who live but Christ who lives in you. Culture in the Physical A lot of Christians still operate in their worldly culture. They are yet too controlled by the influences and propensities triggered by their race, nationality, nationalism or "love" for country, and in the Philippines, their regionalism. Because they are Ilocano, Tagalog, Ilonggo, Bocolano, or Visayan, they claim they have such and such tendencies dictated by their regional culture and which they claim runs in their blood. That's all a lie. Anyone in Christ is a new creation; the old is past! Among the ai

Kingdom Big Events

God Has Little Concern for World Big Events We often marvel at the big events that happen in the world--like a royal wedding, a big concert by a famous pop star, the rise to fame of a top performer, a major and historical political event, war, an international development, a Vatican ritual, or even major happenings in a mega evangelical church or born again ministry. We imagine that heaven must also be busy with these developments and God is surely closely monitoring--if not personally behind--these things. We imagine them as Kingdom big events angels busily descend upon and ascend from.  We may also imagine the same with our church anniversaries or concerts. We think God is also excited about them, dispatching angels to assist our programs and supply resources and celebrate in heaven as it is in our church building. We think like this because we don't know God or his priorities. To be sure, everything that happens in the world is under God's monitoring system, s

Sell Me Your Vineyard

Ahab wanted Naboth's vineyard (1 Kings 21) so bad that he was ready to do anything just to have it. Why was he dying to have it? Well, people who understand nothing in the spirit grab whatever they can in this world, no matter if they're believers, non-believers, or backsliders. Believers? Sometimes, they even head the greed procession. They urge people: "Sell me your vineyard!" You see them do that in their frantic desire to own properties in the name of church planting . You've got to hold on to your God-given vineyard because the enemy will want to take it for his own, no matter what. He's going to offer you to buy it, replace it with a better one, or kill you to grab it from you. Naboth didn't want any other vineyard, but he lacked the power to protect it from Ahab. You may realize the value of your vineyard so well and love it with all your heart, but that isn't enough. Without power, the enemy will just take it by force from you. Many God-giv

Matthew: Shutting out the Kingdom in Men's Faces

We've got to understand that these were bible-believing and bible based spiritual leaders that were shutting out the Kingdom in men's faces. These were hardcore believers of the true God that Jesus was accusing. And today, the same vicious thing is being repeated and propagated--in fact, it's been going on for centuries. The church keeps to a routine church people have invented and called "sacred doctrines" to scare people from going against it and its system, and shun all moves of God towards a one genuine Jesus church, without denominations, spot, or wrinkle, or any other blemish. They won't enter into the Kingdom themselves (because they don't know how) and bars those who would, scaring them of turning into a cult. They don't know how to enter the Kingdom, like Nicodemus didn't. He was Israel's teacher and yet he didn't get what being born again was. Many churches today do not know what genuine born again is and make it a formula fo

Vineyard Tenants: Mark 12

Yesterday, we had a terrific time watching Mark 12 unfold before us in an awesome vision. The discipleship church God gave me to handle (for a while) saw how God's vineyard is presently doing and how His household operates in it.  Tenants Tenants are renting the vineyard. and tenants are bible-believing people (like the Pharisees and law teachers in Jesus' time) who are tasked with collecting fruit. They need not plant because the vineyard Owner, before leaving, put up everything needed in it--the hedges, tower, wine press, and the plants themselves. In fact, it says the Owner "planted" a vineyard. And His design is for one single vineyard, not subdivisions. The tenants or farmers are not household servants--they're there supposedly to gather  fruits so that when household servants are sent to collect them they'd be ready. But tenants are not servants--they're there for two selfish ulterior motives--to keep the fruits for themselves and gr

Micah: God's Remnant--Fierce Lions

Image from Kidcyber. God designed the remnant like a fierce young lion amid nations, "mauling and mangling" as it roams and spreads around [Micah 5.7-9]. That's power made perfect in weakness. From being "lame" and weak, God transforms the remnant into a fierce lion from which "no one can rescue." This lion will be in the midst of nations, "like dew or showers from God on the grass." They overwhelm and cover and give refreshment. But they also "maul and mangle." The Word of God in these remnants is like a weapon, like iron horns and bronze hoofs that "break into pieces the nations" [413]. The Word from their mouths will be fierce and offensive, radically demolishing strongholds and even what man invented for "ministry" derived from also the Word, but adulterated. This remnant God chooses in the end times will radically turn the world upside down. ABSOLUTELY NO HUMAN WAYS OR EFFORT "(Like dew and showe

Micah: Rescued in Babylon

If you have been stubbornly doing man's ways in your life and ministry, and have been hopelessly clinging to it so that in God's eyes everything you do is corrupt (though in your eyes you look okay), God sends you off to Babylon, for a last chance at revival. God's people were doing "good" ministry in their eyes, but God saw something else: "Your leaders decide for money, your priests teach for money, and your prophets tell fortunes (not prophecies) for money. Doing things for money is the natural end result of man's ways. Many churches evangelize just to up membership and tithes and offering. Sometimes you'd see born again churches lined up in the same street, competing against each other selling their own brand of gospel. They build magnificent church buildings to lure people in. So the Lord sends them to spiritual exile to Babylon, letting their enemies win over them. Many churches today are in Babylon while "serving" God. In Babylon

Micah: Chief Among Mountains

In the last days, Micah says (Chap. 4) The Lord's mountain will be established . The Lord's mountain is the mountain of His presence. The same as with God's Zion and Jerusalem. In the natural, Jerusalem will be more favored than other nations. But more so in the spirit, Zion and Jerusalem--the Lord's mountain presence--will be established. In other words, God's flesh on earth will be in full blast.  "It will be raised above the hills..."  Chief among the mountains. There are other mountains being established. Man's mountains. Here in Manila, men's mountains suddenly pop up---garbage mountains. Denominational mountains, too. Mountains of mundane achievements and accomplishments. Earthly successes. Everyone's on a mountain climbing of some sort these days, trying to make a name for themselves. Even churches.  But the Lord's mountain will be established as the chief mountain. Make sure it's the Lord's mountain you'


Image Funny, but it's possible to be always around Jesus and yet fail to connect with him. You can be right there in the midst of what Jesus is doing--the fascinating Word revelation plus astounding signs and wonders--and yet miss the point altogether. "Anyone who is not with me is against me," he declared in Matt.12.30. When he said, "Anyone who is not with me," he was referring to the Pharisees and Law teachers who were there but were unable to connect. They were there and yet not there. That's what the context says. Jesus freed a demon-possessed synagogue member right in their midst, and they failed to get the point. Oh, don't think, how could these Pharisees not see the obvious? Because many Christians and churches and pastors today likewise have the inability to connect. Even some of those in our HISgroup discipleship. And like their Pharisee and Law teacher counterparts, disconnected "believers" today are solidly bible-b

What's Neuroplasticity?

What is Neuroplasticity? What has it to do with being God’s flesh? Is it about having a plastic mind ? Umm…yeah, somewhat. And it has lots to do with a powerful faith. Neuroplasticity is the brain cells’ potential to grow and ramify, increasing the brain’s power and capacity and actually making it grow in size. Formerly, brain scientists believed the brain stopped growing during adulthood. They added that the brain deteriorated progressively at age past 50. However, a recent study on Neuroplasticity shows that the brain can actually increase in size and power, and God’s Flesh believes this can go even to the extent of literally commanding the body to perform astounding feats—like heal itself, repair injuries or defects in and on the body, and do incredible superhuman exploits. And in an extreme sense, (God’s Flesh loves being extreme!) even affect or control things outside the body—like command mountains to be thrown to the sea! Sounds cultic, huh? The more I love it, then! Well, i