
Showing posts with the label Worship

Micah: You Will No Longer Worship the Work of Your Hands

The worst tragedy of using any human effort in ministry is it's propensity to end up in idolatry-- worshiping the works of your hand [Micah 5.13]. Thus, Jesus must appear in you 100 percent and live out your life and do the ministry through you. In Galatians, Paul said God revealed His Son in him , and that's the only time Paul was able to preach the Gospel to the gentiles [Gal.1.16]. You shouldn't be in ministry until God reveals His Son in you . If the Son is revealed in you, He will do God's work through you. This way, there's no human effort--and thus, no bowing down to what your hands have made. Only God can do God's work. Only Jesus in you can do God's will. There should be no human effort. NO HUMAN EFFORT. God should live out your life and do God's work through you. You should do nothing except watch God move in your life--in and around and through you. This means being thoroughly seeped in the spoken Word of God daily. As it is,

Micah: True Worship

" Will God be pleased with thousands of rams and rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn as offering for my transgression, the best of my body for the sin of my soul?   He has shown you what is good. What does God require of you? To live acceptably to God, have the right attitude, and to walk humbly with your God." [Micah 6. 7-8]. Micah outlined the goodness of God to Israel, asking why they've turned their backs to Him after His show of compassion. With such acts of mercy and kindness from an all-powerful God and Creator, the least His people should've done was to worship Him. How? True worship acceptable to God is not what artificial worship man is accustomed with. We're often busy doing what we call "church worship"--that programmed ritual we do on Sundays involving a prelude, opening and closing prayers, scripture reading, special numbers, choir singing, praise and worship, and a sermon. Such a waste of time, energy, and money. A

Micah: Statutes of Omri and Practices of Ahab

From Youtube It began with the statutes of Omri (Micah 6.16). Omri was a follower of the evil ways of Jeroboam (1Kings16). He laid down the statutes (or doctrines) and Ahab his son applied and developed them. These were all against what God wanted. Omri’s statutes were simple: they were based on wicked and corrupt ways as King Jeroboam did them. How did Jeroboam do them? Simply by doing God’s will in man’s ways. He disobeyed the prophet Ahijah who told him to do everything in God’s ways alone: “If you do everything I command you and walk in my ways and do whatever is correct in my eyes...I will build you a dynasty...” (1Kings11). Jeroboam grabbed God's will of kingship but did it in greed. Man's ways are nothing but greed, no matter how they try to make it look religious or spiritual or "Christian." Jeroboam tried to make it all look good but sharp prophets saw nothing in it but idolatry. But because of his greed and appetite for corrupt power, he did eve

Insights into The Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is often associated with the spiritual gifts. Or, with a miracle wrongly attributed to the devil, as in the case of Matthew 12. But this sin covers more than spiritual gifts or miracles. It's really about life and character. Being God's flesh. In 1 Samuel, we find Eli and his two sons charged with a sin that could never be forgiven. There's only one sin in the bible that can never be forgiven--the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. And it's a sin only believers can commit. Non-believers can only speak against the Son of Man--and this is forgivable. But only believers can commit blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. In Matthew 12, the bible teachers and Pharisees, not pagans, blasphemed the Spirit of God.  In Samuel, Eli and his sons messed up their lives and testimonies as they "served" God. People saw how they belittled worship and did sexual immorality right at the sacred place. This is a great sin to God. It's pure blasp

The Secret Place

Today, almost everyone is talking about God's secret place. I hope we all know where it is. Most Christians know the procedures on how to be a member of a local church, know the policies and doctrines of their denominations, but they don't know God's secret place--the secret place. It's secret but it's clearly specified in Scriptures. To be sure, you cannot claim to go to the secret place if you're not deeply grounded in the Word. I hear lots of church goers claim they know God's secret place and yet have no deep love for the Word. A secret road leads to the secret place, and that road is narrow--only a few choose it because the majority opts for the wide road to destruction. I see people who have lackadaisical spiritual lives talking about their "experience" in God's secret place.  The secret place is not a playground where anyone can go and be entertained. Some claim that you just have to worship expressively--shout and cry--to be ab

I Will Sing of Your Love, Forever

When I sing this song, I often lose sight of the world completely and get snatched into His presence, so to speak, at lightning speed. It doesn't matter if I sing this in church, in my bedroom or inside our bathroom while seated on the throne--God takes me to heights and dances with me. And I can stay like that forever--I will sing of his love forever. Photo above by Tatiana Rodriguez on Unsplash .   See book review of God's Flesh. Click here. Life in this world takes a back seat--no, it disappears completely, in fact, when you're in God's secret place. And what matters alone there is His love, forever. I get to experience eternity in its fullness (that's what I believe it is, heaven's very eternity. Throne Room escapades)--and stay there a while--and there's nothing better to do. Often, you hear the King call and take you away to his vineyard for special, intimate moments--to sample his garden fruit. Time loses its meaning, so do priorities--I will sing o

A Better Sacrifice

sensusfide "By faith Abel presented God a better sacrifice," (Heb.11). A better sacrifice. If you knew a better way of worshipping God, would you do it? Churches spend, time, money and effort tiring themselves out to give God a better worship. Some do it long, some non-stop. They look attractively spiritual, but why? Why do we still do them? Why do we still think it's by our hard efforts? Because we fail to see what's a better sacrifice in God's eyes. More about a better (and radical) sacrifice pleasing to God.  Read the book review of "God's Flesh" the e-book by clicking here. You can worship much better without "worshiping." I mean, the way we worship today. Seriously, you should always settle for nothing less than the best worship. The highest worship. And the best worship is far from being through our own efforts. It's far from anything we do today--or anything invented or made possible by man. Man, even in born-again cond