How God is My All
Aside from what we see in the bible as God being our God, King, Lord, Savior, Shepherd, Friend, etc., I have discovered Him to be my all in many other ways. Here they are, how God is my all, in radical and extreme ways. I've discovered my Jesus to also be... My Food God is not just my food Provider so that I and my family always find something good to eat on our dinner table. The fact is, he is my Food. I find that I literally live on Him. Without Him I starve, and I don't want to starve to death. And He's the kind of Food that is always within reach anytime I'm hungry, and I even snack on Him when I'm not hungry but just want to nibble on Him. Also, I've realized that since I discovered Him as my Food (and Drink), I never get hungry (or thirsty) again, but instead develop an appetite for Him, not instigated by hunger anymore, but by mere love for him, or what I call severe indulgence or extreme fondness. I eat God. That's how God is my all. ...