Unanswered Prayer is Favor
Image from ColourBox. One day, I read somewhere in the bible. "Will he keep putting them off?" The phrase caught my attention years ago while in meditation. It was a powerful revelation. God sometimes intentionally "keeps putting off" the prayers of his "righteous (or chosen) ones." He deliberately delays or ignores our prayers, keeping them unanswered "day and night," not because of sin in our lives, but because he chooses to. Why does he choose to? I'll reveal it to you later. Here's the complete passage: And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? [Luke 18.7] I then understood God's point in Job. Job's prayers remained unanswered because God favored him, as God's earlier conversation with Satan revealed. Job's friends insisted that it was due to sin, or disfavor, because they didn't understand what was going on, though the...