
Gospel of the Kingdom 6: Jesus' Discipleship

Here's Gospel of the Kingdom 5 USC Dornsife There's no other discipleship except Jesus's discipleship. So examine carefully everything he did with his disciples and make that your discipleship model, nothing more, nothing less. It's not a church program---it's a life. It's also the Kingdom vehicle to seriously and powerfully train for ministry and missions. Well, many today claim their discipleship is not a program. But when you look at it, IT IS. Nothing but man's religious program. Yup, Jesus used mainly his discipleship model to train apostles and prophets. His plan was to leave his ministry to 12 apostles (plus the 72 others), some of whom were also prophets (like John and Peter), and to train them for this, he used discipleship---not bible schools or seminaries. You have to grasp this truth or else you totally lose it. The secrets of the Kingdom is given only to some---to those who get Jesus' truths, not man's religious theories. To...

Gospel of the Kingdom 5: Just 3 Ministry Focuses

Here's Gospel of the Kingdom 4 GlassDoor Matthew chapter 4 clearly shows it. Jesus did just three things in ministry--- preached the Gospel , made disciples and healed the sick . Period. Nothing more, nothing less. And that's what he did to the end, before dying on the cross for our sins. Then in John 14.12 we find him saying, "Anyone who has faith in me will do the same works I've been doing." If you want to do the genuine ministry, you have to do as Jesus did. And he focused on just three. Anything beyond them is trash. Dead works or works of the flesh. Good to look at, even effective, but trash nonetheless. It can draw lots of people to your church, even produce conversions and mega membership, but it will just create an image of liveliness. Like a mega Sardis church: " have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead." Here's a Sardis church---sleepy, dead and whatever it has left is about to die, incomplete. And ye...

Gospel of the Kingdom 4: REPENT!

Here's Gospel of the Kingdom 3 DepositPhotos Repent for the Kingdom is Near The pressing message of the Gospel of the Kingdom is REPENT! It was then and it will be in these last days. John the baptist preached it (Matt.3.2) as did Jesus (Matt.417). It's the urgency, the top agenda, in the Book of Revelation as angels warn churches in the last days. To the Ephesus church, God says repent and do the things you did at first (2.5). To the Pergamum church, he says repent and do away with the Nicolaitan's and Balaam's teachings (2.14-16). To the church in Thyatira, he says repent or suffer with Jezebel (2.22). To the Sardis church he says repent from dead works (3.3). Finally, to the Laodicean church he says be earnest and repent of lukewarmness (3.19). All on repentance. Only Smyrna and Philadelphia are spared. Thus, it's easy to see if you're actually building God's Kingdom on earth or just building your own empire. If you're not preachi...

Gospel of the Kingdom 3: Growing Your Ministry in the Kingdom

Here's Gospel of the Kingdom 2 Lynda.Com How to Grow Your Ministry This is the perennial problem of pastors---how to grow their ministry. They seek high and low, far and wide for this. They worry about it endlessly, not understanding that growth belongs to God alone. He decides this, not us. Our job is to share the Gospel of the Kingdom, period. I've seen pastors make target goals for their membership. They plan to hit this much by year's end or after 3 or 5 years. It's foolish. A 5-year old kid cannot target to grow taller by 5 inches at the end of the year. God decides this. If he wills that you grow to 5 feet 8 inches when you're 16, then you will. Others take growth pills and gain height artificially. Okay, but be ready for the side effects---like an elongated head perhaps. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. [1 Corin. 3.7] Growth is God's department (in fact, everything...

Gospel of the Kingdom 2: The Kingdom of Jesus

DepositPhotos Here's Gospel of the Kingdom 1 Jesus Introduces the Kingdom So, after a long, long time, God sent his Son to reveal and get everything straight. Nobody knew exactly what God was up to and what He and His Kingdom was really like. Well, the prophets and righteous men of old had vague ideas about it. In fact, Jesus said, " many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it."  Not even angels had a good grasped of it all ( " Even angels long to look into these things," says   1 Pet.1.12), though they've been in heaven since time immemorial. But when Jesus came, he showed what it was all about. This is the Kingdom, showing it by his life and ministry. And the idea is to bring down this Kingdom on earth. Second to salvation, this is why we are saved by grace. "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Remember? Church shoul...

Gospel of the Kingdom 1: The One Thing Important

normansennema The Only Thing Important in Ministry Jesus came for only one thing. Over the years, as man's churches put a lot of useless add-ons to faith and ministry, this one thing has been blurred and relegated to the far sides---to the backdrop. Sometimes, they even kick it out of the picture for good. But it remains the single most important thing---Jesus Christ came to preach the good news of the Kingdom. The Gospel of the Kingdom. "I must proclaim the good news (Gospel) of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” [Luke 4.43] The Gospel of the Kingdom. Examining the Gospel (and the Scriptures in general) we find that this Gospel is all about living in the Kingdom NOW through the LIFE of Jesus in us, how to live and operate in it, how to build it on earth, and how to be in its very heart---which is the heart and life of God. That's why we start by becoming his children, being wholly transferred from the kingdom of da...

Now I Know You Fear God

When Abraham was about to kill Isaac, God stopped him and said, "Now I know you fear God..." That made me think for a while:  Didn't God know? Isn't he all-knowing? Abraham really had to do it just so God would know? It made me wonder but I knew my God. He knows everything. A friend told me God was not really omniscient because he didn't know where Adam and Eve was after the fall. He had to ask where they were. My friend referred to Genesis 3.9. I laughed and told him how ridiculous his understanding was. I hoped God had answered my friend directly, telling him something like:  "Can a man hide himself in hiding places so I do not see him?" declares the LORD "Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?" declares the LORD. [Jeremiah 23.14] Psalm 139 says he knows all about us. He declares the end from the beginning [Isaiah 46.10] and that alone tells volumes about God's omniscience. Moreover, just look at Revelation. He knows ...