
Now I Know You Fear God

When Abraham was about to kill Isaac, God stopped him and said, "Now I know you fear God..." That made me think for a while:  Didn't God know? Isn't he all-knowing? Abraham really had to do it just so God would know? It made me wonder but I knew my God. He knows everything. A friend told me God was not really omniscient because he didn't know where Adam and Eve was after the fall. He had to ask where they were. My friend referred to Genesis 3.9. I laughed and told him how ridiculous his understanding was. I hoped God had answered my friend directly, telling him something like:  "Can a man hide himself in hiding places so I do not see him?" declares the LORD "Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?" declares the LORD. [Jeremiah 23.14] Psalm 139 says he knows all about us. He declares the end from the beginning [Isaiah 46.10] and that alone tells volumes about God's omniscience. Moreover, just look at Revelation. He knows

They Don't Realize Human Theology Ruins Them

Public Domain Pictures Human theology puts God in a box. More so this thing they call hermeneutics . I studied hermeneutics just to find out why they put it on a high pedestal and worship it as a god. They say you can't interpret the bible without these two, practically negating the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. If you tell them this, they'd concede a little and say that theology and hermeneutics depend on the Holy Spirit or the Holy Spirit uses theology and hermeneutics. Do they? Does HE? Just look at "contextualization." Why did Jesus cut-short Isaiah 61? Shouldn't he have quoted the whole verse and also mention about proclaiming   "the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn," to complete verse 2. In fact, he should've quoted up to verse 3 to complete the work of the Messiah. Another is the passage on Jesus being God's Son "called out of Egypt" [Matthew 2.15].

Residual Blessings in Christ 3

Steemit. Here's Part 2 What happens to residual blessings in Christ if we’re caught up in artificial church success? Well, to be sure, there are some bad effects. Paul said we’ll all face the judgment seat of Christ in the end where we get what we deserve—“whether good or bad” [2 Cor. 5]. So, there are “bad” results and they’re sure to be due to misusing the things of God. And bad results reap bad harvest. I imagine them to be residual bad effects. You start something bad and it spreads, reverberating down the line, to the third and fourth generation. And you reap everything one way or another. Lots of churches are like that. They started in Christ but tried something else along the way and have been doomed to it since. They can’t seem to get out. The ones who started it will reap a bad harvest from the bad fruit of everyone affected, residual bad effects. Their work will be “burned up,” says Paul, but they themselves will be saved. Effect on the Body of Christ

Residual Blessings in Christ 2

Image from Wealth Academy. Here's Part 1 Remember, we’re one body in Christ, and when Paul talked about this he, of course, referred to a “healthy” body in Christ. If every believer and church in the world believed this, the body and its parts would function as God designed them to and get their respective passive or residual blessings in Christ. All things will be balanced---if we all believe. But an unhealthy body will cause problems. As with our physical body, unhealthy happens when a body part is abused. And “abused” means wrongly used. The liver, for instance, is designed by God to detox whatever toxins we get from eating real food. And when I say “real food” I mean food meant to feed the body. Good, healthy and natural food still contains some toxin levels, though tolerable to the liver. That’s normal. Abnormal Body But God didn’t design the liver to filter out synthetic chemical flavoring and other artificial ingredients (especially in bulk) on a daily ba

Residual Blessings in Christ 1

Pexels Whatever good or fun things we have on earth is really but a poor version of what's in heaven. Never think that what we have here are originals. Nope, they first became realities in heaven before some smart guys came up with the ideas here---as God permitted them. Like residual blessings in Christ. Residual income is a big marvel in network marketing. Your account goes on making money for you even when you've stopped working it out. Residual means abiding and enduring. Something keeps being left in your reserve after you've long stopped doing the business. It never ends. But long before it became a reality in network marketing, it's been a reality in Kingdom rewards systems. Through a Glass Darkly Have you noticed how the principle of duplication has become a top strategy in network marketing? Well, long before the computer and the internet came to being, duplication has been used by the Kingdom since creation. Binary, unilevel, points-system or

Small is Powerful in Christ

Pexels First, don't get me wrong. I'm not promoting small. I never say don't evangelize. In fact, I always stress Jesus' style of evangelism and discipleship in church. What I'm against is greed and the idea that big alone has God's favor. Share the Gospel all you want, but remember that small is powerful in Christ. Because it's really BIG---CHRIST in you is the hope of glory. The least is the greatest, said Jesus, and what do we consider lagging behind, insignificant or least today? What else but small churches. People think small churches lack favor from God just because they're small and moneyless. But they're moneyless because most big ones are greedy. If we get rid of greed and obey Jesus, all churches (especially moneyed and propertied churches) will give up their wealth and give to poor ones. You Won't See the Kingdom Landscape with Big Kingdom Landscape in the last days. Click here. Then they'll begin to understand

How You Know If Your Ministry is in God's Will

Pexels To a lot of people, a ministry favored by God is peopled, moneyed and garbed with impressive facilities. To them that's a growing church. If you're one of them, you'd always look for these things when searching for a church or when sizing up one because smart Alecks say it's how you know if your ministry is in God's will. But this standard is nowhere in the bible. It's man's invention. A church led by the Holy Spirit cannot be measured in the flesh or by any earthly measurement. God looks at it quite differently. To him, it's all spiritual because God is spirit. Going solely by spiritual merits is how you know if your ministry is in God's will or not. Here are 7 signs to watch out for: People deepen in the Word and make it always the priority. People live the Jesus LIFE and character. People give up everything. People don't care about programs. Church uses money on people, not buildings. Church operates in the 5-f