
How the Apostolic Move Makes You Relevant in Heaven

No, you don't have to become an apostle or prophet to be in the apostolic. Apostolic means being relevant to what God is doing. Being in the same Kingdom wavelength. The apostles had that connection to heaven. Their faith enabled them to do what Jesus did, and then greater things, said Jesus. They did nothing else. They didn't sit down and plan and decide things among themselves what's next and then asked God to bless it. [Image above from Karl Magnuson, Unsplash]. The spiritual disease of the modern church is its desperation to make things happen on its own so it can beat some deadline or be ahead in some competition for greatness. It has lost the discipline to wait on God. It plans and prays and does as it pleases. Often, it copies from the world or gets hints from it. It lures people (its number one mistake) by giving them what they crave for. It identifies with the crowd. But no matter what accomplishments you get using worldly ways, you remain irrelevant in the

In the Old But Operating In the New

In this world but not of it. Jesus taught this vital Kingdom operation to his disciples to show what life of a true believer is. So followers of Jesus have this peculiar culture even if they're hedged in by other cultures in this world. Paul said there are no more earthly cultures in God's kingdom, no more races. [Photo above from Chaozzy Lin, Unsplash]. Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all. [Colossians 3] There's only one life and culture--Christ. Christ is all . The reverse is also true-- all is Christ . Therefore, church people who still think in terms of their nationality, race or earthly culture still operate in the system of this world--which is the Babylon system. Some churches have worship services for Americans, another for Koreans, another for Filipinos, etc. and they think it's some kind of accomplishment. Some churches are heavily influenced by their local

Prayer of the Righteous

We all know the passage--James 5.16--in the bible. And righteousness is by faith alone, not of good works, religion or anything else. But this is what strikes me. Watch the passage below: [Photo above by Aaron Burden, Unsplash]. 16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. 17 Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. 18 Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops. James was talking more of prayer that triggers the supernatural. We often connect this to our ordinary prayers, which is also good. But the context says more than that, and we shouldn't miss what it's really saying. James is telling us a key to miracles, signs and wonders and the supernatural. We shouldn't limit it to our ordinary needs. First, we note "co

How the Son Talks to the Father

I wonder where we got the idea that God sometimes gives us a "no" answer. Jesus never got a no answer from the Father and he taught us how to pray, right? This means, he taught us how to get yes answers from God. So how come the church now also teaches no answers from God?  Photo above from Simon Schmitt@helloschmitt, Unsplash. How did that teaching sneak into the church?  The thought keeps rolling over and over in my mind, and I can't help it. It's Jesus who taught us to pray, and his prayers never got a "no." Never! In fact, he never said anything about the possibility of getting a no from God (well, except when you don't forgive others who have wronged you). All he taught was getting surefire "yes" from God.  His disciples once asked, "Lord, teach us to pray." He taught them the Lord's Prayer which starts with a bold and confident "Our Father" and a lot of other things, but nothing about getting a "no" a

Church with a Babylon System 2

Here's Part 1 It may seem the Babylon system affects only trade and commerce as portrayed in Revelation 18. As if only "merchants" and "kings" are affected. There's no mention of the church. But there is--when God told his people to "come out of her!" That's us, the church. "Come out" means we're inside and we have to go out to Him. We have to make sure we're cleared of any trace of the system. Untainted and spotless. You don't have to leave any Babylon church (but do so if God tells you) because the point here is leaving the system , not a place. You may be out of a Babylon church and still have the system fully operational in you. The Acts church was out of the system though they were still part of Judaism--until Judaism kicked them out. God is always after a heart sold out to him. "I have found David...a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him

Wrong Prayers

In the bible, especially in the Gospel, impossible prayers were answered. And I don't mean dying patients in ICU recovering through expensive surgery and medical procedures and medicines. Or the sick gradually getting well with prescription drugs. These are what we call "miracles" today, but they're worlds apart from what the bible calls miracles. Jesus resurrected dead people. That's what God means by "miracles." He made the lame walk, the mute talk and the deaf hear INSTANTLY. Never gradually but always instantly. The modern church has departed too FAR from this definition and changed everything to mean the workings of medical science plus prayer. Or gradual cures. It's been teaching us this for decades. Or, we're taught that prayer has limits. We shouldn't be overconfident with our prayer, they say. In fact, modern church teaches that God answers prayer in 3 ways: Yes No Later Looks fa

Church with a Babylon System

The Babylon church system will intensify these last days as the devil's last ditch effort to deceive believers. Intensified and yet mostly undetected. Everything seems normal. Business as usual. Yet, the "great prostitute" (Mystery Babylon) goes on committing adultery with the "kings of the earth" as she also intoxicates the "inhabitants of the earth with the wine of her adulteries," says Revelation. Picture above from "Kings of the earth" doesn't just mean political rulers or presidents of countries but every influential leader--in politics, businesses, industries and churches. Especially those who act like "kings" and value being great in this world (the Nebuchadnezzar spirit)--doing everything to be great--believing that the greatest has the right to rule the least. This illusion of "being great" makes them so susceptible to the "wine of her adulteries." She m