
God's FB

God's Blog! When we open a Facebook or blog account we're often careful not to reveal too much of ourselves because of security--there are many hackers or identity thieves out there who mean sure harm. And we're also careful about accepting friends. We'd rather not have strangers comment on our articles or blogs, so we limit comment access. Fact, most FB pages and groups screen incoming members by warning them about negative comments or criticism. I understand that.  Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash . But with God it's different. Oh yeah, there's such thing as God's Facebook or God's Blog . It's in the spirit realms, not on cyberspace, but it somewhat looks similar. He also has to worry about security and abuse and identity theft and hacking. So he also exercises caution. So the Holy Spirit provides security checks. No one can enter His Kingdom if one's not born again, for instance. But he doesn't care if some are able to sneak in awhile...

Judgment Sets Us Free

Judgment keeps us on the right path. Judgment is life. We should desire it daily, even at night, like a favorite food dish. Definitely more than how I love my brewed coffee. We need it more than the air we breathe. God's judgment keeps everything and everyone in their place. The Psalmist eagerly waits for God and his judgments like he longs for blessings. Do you?  Do you like judgment? Many people don't. Most churches preach against it. They like saying, "Don't be judgmental," to keep you from judging between right and wrong. To keep you agreeing with their distorted perspectives. Or, they insist that only God has the right to judge. However, if you declare God's judgment, they'd judge you--and condemn you--while insisting you shouldn't be judgmental.  Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash .   "Yes, we wait for you according to your judgments.  Our soul's desire is your Name,"  (Isaiah 26) Desiring God's Name is the same as desiri...

The "Experts"

There's nothing they don't know about,  and they make sure everybody knows it. The experts. They know everything--they passed through the phases of formal, systematic learning in prestigious human institutions. They have the titles and degrees to show for it. They have been doing the job for years--being "experts"--and feel they have sole authority because of their titles and degrees. They alone know what is right and wrong. They have the license to teach people, whether they like it or not. Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash .   The experts religiously follow to the letter the established system, what their educational institutions taught them. The system gave them their expertise and authority. They believe the system works--it's been proven--and it is definitely the answer to all the problems. The system has grown big churches through the centuries, produced great theologians and popular seminaries. Generated big church incomes, too. There can be no other. They a...

Kingdom Man

In the last days, God will raise up Kingdom men--in fact, HE is already at it, raising up genuine Kingdom people in inconspicuous nooks and crannies of the earth. They're quietly doing God's will, preaching the Gospel with their lips, lives and God's awesome signs and wonders, yet keeping everything as secret as possible--so that the Father who sees what is done in secret will reward them. What is a Kingdom man? Well, he looks somewhat like this: Somewhere in the slums, heaven has chosen a man and raising him up quietly (and there are others like him), like the quiet years of Jesus from ages 12 to 30. This Kingdom man grows up before the Father as Jesus "grew up before Him" [Isaiah 53.2]. All heaven is busy and excited about this man as he matures, especially how he affects his surroundings without effort. Because he lives the LIFE. He simply lets his light shine.  "..the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the...

I Will Sing of Your Love, Forever

When I sing this song, I often lose sight of the world completely and get snatched into His presence, so to speak, at lightning speed. It doesn't matter if I sing this in church, in my bedroom or inside our bathroom while seated on the throne--God takes me to heights and dances with me. And I can stay like that forever--I will sing of his love forever. Photo above by Tatiana Rodriguez on Unsplash .   See book review of God's Flesh. Click here. Life in this world takes a back seat--no, it disappears completely, in fact, when you're in God's secret place. And what matters alone there is His love, forever. I get to experience eternity in its fullness (that's what I believe it is, heaven's very eternity. Throne Room escapades)--and stay there a while--and there's nothing better to do. Often, you hear the King call and take you away to his vineyard for special, intimate moments--to sample his garden fruit. Time loses its meaning, so do priorities--I will sing o...

Calling Jesus Friend

Sometimes it's the in thing to say--calling Jesus friend. Everybody wants to be friends with him, not understanding what it really means. To most people, it's like having a selfie taken with their favorite showbiz star. "Hey look! I'm with Jesus!" [Picture above from Remi Walle, Unsplash]. Preachers call non-believers to the altar with the promise that Jesus would be their friend. That sounds reassuring and will get crowds going to the altar call. People feel like Jesus just moved into the neighborhood and became one of them. Who wouldn't go to the altar to have that privilege? Sometimes we use terms people don't understand just to lure them to the altar or membership. But who does Jesus see as friend? 15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. [John 15] First, Jesus said you'd be his friend ...

Rich, Young, Ruler Generation

The Word of God is rich in insights. Single passages can reveal thousands of meanings. Nothing's confined or limited to one interpretation--although all its finality is on Jesus alone. In this sense, I see how the rich, young, ruler passage in Matthew 19 has a vital end-times principle to teach us.  Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash . When Peter asked the Master what was there for them since they had left everything to follow Jesus, he told them that at the "renewal" of things, when the Son of Man sits on His throne, the 12 would judge all Israel, and those who had left (this is where we come in) fields, homes, families, etc., for Jesus' sake would get 100 times what was given up, plus eternal life as a major bonus. See? Definitely, this talks about last days scenarios. GOD's Flesh e-book. Read about it here.   You've read about the rich, young, ruler, I'm sure, and the characteristics are obviously of today's church generation. Well, at least to ...