
"That We May Present Each Believer Perfect in Christ"

Truth is so offensive that so many "Christian" churches today either hide it or water it down. I'm tired of hearing church people say that we cannot be perfect or being born again does not make you perfect. And yet countless times in Scriptures God points me to his Word powerfully stressing perfection in Christ. In fact, genuine ministry, according to the bible, is a Jesus-discipleship that aims to present each believer "perfect in Christ." Now, church smart alecks (who are really fools) would counter that and say we cannot take that literally and we have to know proper systematic interpretation of Scriptures, and other such baloney.  Paul was clear when he stressed to the Colossian church that he labored to present each one PERFECT IN CHRIST [Col.1.28], and that he did this using NOT his own efforts but Jesus' efforts (struggling with all God's or Jesus' energy} which he claimed so powerfully worked in him. The reason churches today cann...

How God is My All

Aside from what we see in the bible as God being our God, King, Lord, Savior, Shepherd, Friend, etc., I have discovered Him to be my all in many other ways. Here they are, how God is my all, in radical and extreme ways. I've discovered my Jesus to also be... My Food God is not just my food Provider so that I and my family always find something good to eat on our dinner table. The fact is, he is my Food. I find that I literally live on Him. Without Him I starve, and I don't want to starve to death. And He's the kind of Food that is always within reach anytime I'm hungry, and I even snack on Him when I'm not hungry but just want to nibble on Him. Also, I've realized that since I discovered Him as my Food (and Drink), I never get hungry (or thirsty) again, but instead develop an appetite for Him, not instigated by hunger anymore, but by mere love for him, or what I call severe indulgence or extreme fondness. I eat God. That's how God is my all. ...

In Him is No Sin

In him is no sin. Wow! I love to hear the sound of that. I love to meditate it till it becomes me, till I and my fleshly desires melt away and that Word starts living my life. I want to do it daily, each moment, by God's enabling grace. The doctrine of holiness has been taught and preached for centuries, but its real power has never been fully realized. All we have seen through church holiness history is a faint idea of what it can do for us. Church people themselves have always downplayed the real power of genuine holiness. Some years ago, we saw some holiness preachers, teachers, and theologians tried a measure of holy living in Christ. But they never went beyond. They never did it as radical as my Jesus did it. They still reserved a little something for the flesh, adding to their doctrines some room for sin, in case the believer got carried away again by sin unnoticed. They placed somewhere in their teachings some justifications for sin, saying God understands that we are ...

"Father, Forgive Them for They Know Not What They Do."...Well, Did He?

There can be no forgiveness without repentance. That's Kingdom principle taught by God himself in the bible. Yet, Jesus prayed on the cross: "Forgive them for they know not what they do." Well, did God do it? Did he forgive them? Did they repent? Obviously God didn't. Countless times in the bible, God never forgave anyone without repentance. It's his righteousness principle. But why did Jesus still pray to the Father about forgiving the unrepentant? It was to demonstrate to us for all time the proper attitude when being persecuted for righteousness' sake. You want them forgiven in your heart and their misdeeds not counted against them, as Stephen later also prayed. Yet, know for sure that God does not forgive without repentance. How do I know they never repented (at least majority of them didn't)? Well, take the soldiers who guarded Jesus' grave, for instance. They saw the resurrection with their own two eyes, and saw mighty angels rolled away th...

Silly Discipleship

You'll hear of churches today doing what they call a   discipleship . At first glance you'd think that they've finally gotten the whole point. But on closer look, you'd see that it's all nothing but trash. Their discipleship is just another church   program . Why did they decide to have a discipleship? It's often for two reasons: 1.      They're losing their membership. 2.      They want to increase church membership by trapping people to what they call   discipleship . What do they do in their discipleship? ANSWER: Bible studies. They look for a good "discipleship" material to use and they study the bible following that guide. It all look spiritual and nice. But if you're spiritually sharp. you'd see that it's just another man's program, a result of the devil's deception. Genuine Jesus Discipleship The Jesus discipleship was not just a bible study. It never was a program to up membership or to tie down peop...

Making of a Samuel

As long as Samuel was judge over Israel, all the enemies were incapacitated. They all feared Samuel and all Israel was safe--because God's hand was heavy against the enemy for Samuel's sake [1Sam.7.13]. God allowed no word of declaration from Samuel to fall to the ground void. We should see the Kingdom principles behind the making of a Samuel. We need Samuels today in the church. Samuels in church will render devils powerless, fearful, and frozen to inactivity against their will. God will cause our enemies to be at peace with us --because they have no choice. Being a Samuel is being God's flesh on earth. Barrenness God had to make Hannah barren. To produce a Samuel, God has to make you nothing. Even Christ, the greatest move of God (sending His Son), was made nothing , taking the form of a slave. Barrenness was a terrible stigma in those days, and Hannah had to undergo it--for meekness sake. God won't do anything great and powerful until he first makes his instrum...

When Lust Turns to Rape

Two sisters, Oholah and Oholibah, were into prostitution since their youth in Egypt, says God. Later on, Oholah, the older, was forcibly "stripped naked" (or raped) and killed by her Assyrian lovers and took her sons away. However, her sister, Oholibiah, did worse. She carried on with her prostitution with the Assyrians and Babylonians, but later "turned away in disgust of them," like how raped victims would feel. This discussion is vital for being God's flesh on earth. When God talked of this to Ezekiel in chapter 23, he was actually talking about Israel and Judah, the sisters. God was talking of his "chosen" people. They were prostitutes who learned the trade in Egypt and carried it on to their nationhood. They fondly recalled their lust days in Egypt as they committed sexual immorality with the Assyrians and Babylonians. Sin is that dirty in God eyes, particularly idolatry. It's an evil sexual act. You have an idol in your heart, God se...