
Acts Church: "None Among Them was in Need"

Whenever I open my bible and pass through the book of Acts, I often come across this powerful phrase: None among them (those connected with the Acts church) was in need." Powerful! I often stop and look afar and reflect, and then God opens my mind and the Acts church suddenly appears right before me, as it were . God often does that when we talk. God is not a liar. When he says "none" or "no one" in the Acts church was in need, he means it. You can count on it. Unlike today, you hear of church members who go bankrupt or jobless, or who are starving, or who are sick and do not have the means to seek a doctor and all the church could do is "pray" for them. And then they justify that by saying prayer is powerful and its the best help anyone can have.  Jesus did pray a lot, but he didn't just pray for everyone. He fed multitudes and healed all the sick (and I mean all) and produced money when needed. So did the Acts church. They didn't ...

Sheep Amid Wolves In Sheep's Clothing

Living as sheep amid wolves is nothing. Well, there can be lots of pressures but it's easy to see where to go, where to seek refuge. But when sheep live amid wolves in sheep's clothing, it's a different matter altogether. You got to stay spiritually extra sharp. Wolves in sheep's clothing are dangerous. They really seem allies in Christ. They help you build the church. They sound and look so, so spiritual. But they have this one trait that few see: they sometimes take off the sheep's clothing when nobody's around--or so they think. If you have God's eyes--and God sees everything; in fact nothing can be hidden from his eyes--then you easily spot wolves leaving the crowd to go somewhere secret to change clothes for a while.  You see, wolves are never really comfy in sheep's clothing. They get used to wearing it, but there's some sort of an expiry date or time when they need to take it off to let their natural skin breathe--or else the skin g...

Daniel: Undefiled by the King's Food

The king's food was choice food. It was the best in the land--the best meats and excellent wine. Imagine the greatest king in the world then--Nebuchadnezzar--offering you his best Kingdom Dining Hall menus. But Daniel and his friends would have none of it. He kept himself undefiled by the king's food. What was wrong with the king's food? The key is in the word undefiled . The Word says, "But Daniel strongly determined not to be defiled by royal food and wine," {Dan.1.8]. "Defile" in the bible denotes spiritual contamination, so I imagine that the royal food was first offered to Babylonian gods before being served on the royal table. Daniel didn't want that, no matter how delicious or healthy it may had been.  Food the World Offers This story is so timely and relevant. The world, in these last days, is offering us the best food, in fact, royal food, the best the world and the devil can offer. And so many churches partake of it, enjoying th...

Fathering Your Family

I had written a blog here on True Fathers in Church and I thought of adding another blog on how to father your own family. Again, most fathers in church know nothing about fathering their families because all they know is on becoming a biological father. Most churches do not know anything about how fathers ought to father their families in the spiritual realms. Fathers are spiritual entry or exit points to their families. The devil cannot do anything to harm your family except what you, the father, allows him to. And your power to block the enemy's entry depends on the strength of your connection to the Father in heaven. Unless you tie up the strong man, you cannot (gain entry and) rob his house. Fathers are strong men--or at least they're supposed to be.  John said in his first letter (chapter 2): "I write to you fathers because you know God who is from the beginning." If you have such strong connections with the Father, then everything else follows---children...

Micah: God’s People—God’s Enemy

Micah warned God’s people about God’s plan. We often think pleasantly about God’s plan. We claim to desire it so badly. But if we do things contrary to His ways, God’s plan will work against us. In fact, God plans destruction, not LIFE, once we go against His ways. “My Word does good to those whose ways are upright, right?” (Micah 2.7). God’s ways alone in Scripture are upright. All others, like denominationalism, are against His ways. Jesus desires all true believers to be completely united. How complete? As the Father and Son are one (Jn.17). Denominationalism works contrary to this. Their Own Power When God’s people work contrary to His ways, they become God’s enemies. “Lately, my people have risen up like an enemy,” (Micah 2.8) Why? Because they plan evil and carry it out in their own power (Micah 2.1). It happens automatically—you use your own ways, you use your own power. Human effort is zero in the spiritual realms. Everything has to be done in the power of th...

Jehu Overkill: What Made Him Do It?

Jehu king of Israel obeyed the Word the Lord had spoken against the house of Ahab, said to be the worst king of Israel when Jehu was yet the king's chariot driver. Ahab's marriage to Jezebel had linked Israel to Baal worship and led to the downfall of Ahab. Jehu was anointed to eliminate everything of Ahab. But not the Jehu overkill. God told Jehu to finish off Ahab's family to wipe out Baal worship in Israel. Elisha the prophet had sent a young prophet to anoint Jehu king and "destroy the house of Ahab" [2Kings 9]. He also killed all the Baal prophets of Jezebel and demolished the temple of Baal, reducing it to a mere toilet. But Jehu went further and killed even the associates and friends of Ahab. It was a disobedience. "However, Jehu did not carefully keep the law of God, Israel's God, heartily--he didn't repent from Jeroboam's sin, which the latter made the whole of Israel to commit," [10.31]. Years later God punished the house of J...

Turning the World Upside Down..Again!

In Acts 17, the radical believers of my Jesus almost turned the world upside down. Some interpreters would like to believe that they indeed turned the world upside down. Well, I think they their natural Jesus-self (it was Jesus really living in them, not them anymore) the world shuddered in unbelief, perplexity, and animosity, seeing the radical and extreme life of Jesus Christ in the church. And it went like a ravenous mad dog chasing after the believers. Every time the world sees Jesus, it will react like a greedy mad dog. That's why harm and chaos come to the worldly church when it tries to "see" Jesus. We think that if worldly people see Jesus they would repent and be born again and everything would be nice and peaceful, with everybody worshiping God so beautifully. WRONG! Persecution will come. And that's how we know that God is in us and our midst, moving and turning the world upside down. When Jesus is genuinely seen in believers, right and wrong is...