
The Meek?

The meek will inherit the earth. This is the third teaching of my Jesus in the Beatitudes. Some versions render it gentle and humble in spirit .  Most people have this idea that being meek means docility (easily controlled or managed), extreme tolerance, and being very nice to people. Nothing short of slavery. If you're meek then they should be able to easily enslave you and order you around. Strangely, this was not how my Jesus was. He was, of all people, impossible to control or manage. Not even Herod or the Roman Empire was able to do that. And definitely, he was never Mr Nice Guy. What then is being meek? Jesus gave us a hint what Kingdom meekness was when he gave the Sermon on the Mount, talking about being poor in spirit, mourning, being desperate for righteousness, being merciful, etc. But then, talking about being merciful and peace makers, Jesus lambasted religious leaders of his time without mercy, calling them fools, hypocrites, white-washed tomb...

Without Revelation You Die

Jesus Christ revealed--this is the Rock where Jesus builds his church, a church which crashes the gates of hell. Jesus once asked the disciples who people from the villages said he was. After saying this and that, Peter finally said Jesus was the Messiah, Son of God. My Jesus commended him and said that such insight was not from men but a revelation from God. "And upon this rock," he added, "I will build my church." "This rock" is revelation that comes from God, revealing deeply (and much deeper each time) who Christ is. That's what the context says. Some think this rock referred to Peter, because Jesus had said, "I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock.." Jesus was actually telling him, compared to this revelation Peter was a small rock. However, a small rock with a big revelation of who Jesus really is becomes the Rock (God) on which Christ will build the true church. No, you don't become God, but your life becomes hi...

Deadliest Punishment of All!

"I'm quite sure of this--evil folks will not get away with their sins unpunished. But those who live right before God will be set free." [Prov.11.21] The wicked will surely be punished. Well, honestly, we see so little of this going on today. I've seen people and families and clans who have been in position of power and wealth but who have been doing a lot of wickedness for ages. They seem never punished. They even seem to grow richer and more powerful, enjoying comfy and convenient lives--even those in church. While many of those who genuinely serve God seem to get poorer and weaker by this world's standards. But make no mistake about it--the Word of God is true. God makes sure the wicked do not go scot-free unpunished, and that's on a daily basis. And they get the deadliest punishment of all. If you don't realize this or don't see this happening daily, you're spiritually myopic--you see only what's under your nose--or do you? It...

Hosea: Old Wine and New Makes You Dull

Old wine and new--you've got to decide what you really are. You cannot be both. Anyone in Christ is new. The Word is clear that the old is past, and there's only the new. You cannot be an old and new creation at the same time. And yet, if we look around churches, this is what most Christians are. They claim to be born again and yet look and live the same way they did when they were yet non believers--well at least they've gotten rid of their statues and idols and they're now active in church. But that's garbage, too, if you're not a genuine new creation getting newer in Christ each day so that you yourself are no longer seen by people but they see Jesus. God's flesh. Yes, God is spirit, but we are his flesh on earth. They should see God in you, and you cease to be seen any longer. Here's how Hosea put it: "..they've left the Lord in favor of prostitution, to old wine and new, which make them dull (spiritually) and given to idol making a...

Perfection is Resting in Jesus

Steady unbelief in perfection makes people want to do things more perfectly their own way. It's ridiculous seeing people stubbornly insist on refining their church programs and activities to perfection, insisting that what they do for God should be done with the best of all they have. They practice repeatedly their songs, special numbers, presentations, etc., until they "perfect' it for God. Sometimes they do that from afternoon to night to dawn. Losing sleep for what? And yet, these same people maintain that we cannot be perfect because we're only human . Fleshly perfection like that ends up in spiritual burnout and exhaustion. Revelations says these churches look alive but in reality they're dead. But genuine perfection is resting in Jesus. Funny people. They believe with all their hearts they cannot be perfect in this world--and add God understands them because they're only human--but they exhaust all means giving God a perfect church minis...

Blessings Rather Than Stature

It's happening everywhere today, and it's obvious that Satan is using it to deceive, if possible, even the elect. More and more born again Christians are blinded by the world and prefer blessings rather than stature in Christ. Now, don't get me wrong. Blessings are good, and we need lots of them. But when used as a coverup for a rotten character and spiritual life, it's become a deception tool of the devil. Worse, when blessings are thought to be the reason for a close relationship with God, not God himself and having a stature in him. I see it everywhere. Christians who have rotten lives get more blessed materially and physically, and they count that as favor from God because He is pleased with them. Ever seen this? Let's make up a scenario--a lady believer for instance. Let's say she's kinda like this: despite repeated warnings from God, she still opts to marry a non-believer. Isn't that what mostly happens in church? That's clear disobedi...

Extreme Prayer, Extreme Believer, Extreme Faith

I want your life, God. That's the whole point of prayer. I want your image in me so when I'm in front of a mirror it's all you I see, especially the mirror that is your Word. So, I want you. I don't even want church--the church men build and do today in your Name. The church that adulterates your Truth to fit their own denominational designs and interests. That's why often, instead of going to man-made churches, I'd rather just look within me where the Kingdom of God is.  Now I see why you'd rather go out to remote places and mountainsides alone than fellowship with religious leaders of God's own people in your time. It's not religious pride; it's your propensity as a genuine Kingdom person. You want no less than God, so you walked as God in man on earth, as you also now walk as God in man in me. I'm God's flesh on earth, all by your grace. In you I am perfect, and that perfection makes me so imperfect to the eyes of mere me...