
Naaman Spirit: Addicted to Greatness

Naaman was addicted to greatness, same as many church people are. Just look at pastors--they want to handle the biggest church building, have the biggest ministry, have the biggest membership, have the biggest income, accomplish great things for God, and get the most number of titles. They want to have the biggest concert, be the most popular, and have the most number of bible studies. Big is always in. The Greatest Shall be the Least Naaman was like that. He was a great Aramean general who was pampered by great accompishment and special attention. I can imagine how he must have loved being greeted in public as the Pharisees were in Jesus' time. But Naaman was up for God's promotion so he needed to be humbled. The greatest shall be the least of all. So God allowed him to contract leprosy. In the eyes of the blind world that was bad news--but to God it was a precursor of true Kingdom greatness. An Israelite servant girl of Naaman's wife mentioned God's ...

Cheap Wine in a Wedding Banquet?

Cheap wine in a grand wedding banquet?  The wedding at Cana where my Jesus' first miracle took place was saved with high quality wine. Wine saves weddings in Israel in Jesus' time, and weddings then took some days to celebrate, often 7 days. I don't know if it's still like that today there, but I'm sure quality wines are still very much part of such banquets. I can see this as a parallelism to the future big wedding banquet that will happen when Bridegroom Christ marries his Bride, the glorious church--his body, his one flesh--according to Ephesians. To save that event, Jesus needs to turn water into wine. That event is in danger of being spoiled by the lack of quality wine. Imagine cheap wine being served in that banquet? My Jesus said he wouldn't taste the fruit of the vine again until he drinks it anew in the wedding in the Kingdom. Of course, this wedding banquet in heaven is sure to happen as scheduled and with the best wine because it has be...

Prayer Slows You Down

Righteous prayer is powerful. It avails much in the spiritual realms. But when misused, prayer slows you down. Sadly, most prayers in born-again Christian churches today are dead because prayer has been misused. Take this for instance. How do you measure effective prayer? You'd likely say, if it's answered. And how do you tell an answered from an unanswered prayer? You'd likely say, if you got what you asked for. Hence, we hear them say, "Answered prayer" when they get what they asked for. But most "answered prayers" are really general blessings. You'd get them with or without prayer. Some church people conclude that a moneyed person or church is thus because of a powerful prayer life--every prayer is answered. But if you look closely and are aware of Kingdom principles in the bible, you'd see that the so-called "answered prayers" are all general blessings--blessings God give to both the righteous and the wicked.  In fact...

When God Tells You to be in the "Wrong" Place

It's easy to say, "Stay in God's will," or even in the center of God's will. The problem is, our concept of what "God's will" is always fits what our ego or flesh craves for. We imagine that will to always make "things work together for good." And work together for good to our minds means we'll "live happily ever after." We often forget that God's will and best place for his beloved Son was the cross. If that was God's best for the Son, how about for us? When my Jesus found himself nailed on the cross, he shouted, "Why have you forsaken me?" He was then in the center of God's will in the very true sense of the term. Some folks would say that being in God's will makes everything go well for you. It will give you money and convenience and favors in the world. Well, it didn't for Jesus. Because most times, being in God's will makes you cry, "Why have you forsaken me?" When my J...

The Religious Demon is a "Christian"

The religious demon is often a "Christian." These last days, Satan is going to focus more on deceiving Christians to fool even the elect, if possible. So hordes of religious demons are out to destroy believers. These are deadly spirits, demolition experts. Self-Righteous They really believe God is not just in their churches--he is confined to them. Because God is stuck in their churches, they consider their church buildings sacred. So they don't permit you to eat inside their church buildings. God would get angry. You're also not suppose to express your full emotions in church because that shows weakness. We're supposed to be strong and sturdy folks who always manage to stay calm and formal and decent. And they observe other such foolish traditions. They love talking about how God cares for them and cuts you short with how God is on top of everything once you begin to sigh about your problems. Sighing about difficulties is unacceptable to them--it mea...

Are You Just Using My Jesus?

What If Jesus Didn't Save You from Hell? Do you really love him or are you just using my Jesus? A lot of Christians "accepted" Christ because they heard about hell and dreaded ending up there for all eternity. Well, that is scary, and scared people will grab at anything that will get them out of danger. Once you see something that will save you, you'd use it, right? Many Christian saw Jesus in that light and used him. They "accepted" him. But they never surrendered. Many others saw him as a solution to their problems. Well, my Jesus is the Way, not just a way out of troubles. And they get frustrated because even after 'accepting' Jesus, troubles still happen. I wonder--what if Jesus didn't save you from hell? Would you still "accept" him? Would you still love him and worship him as you're doing in church now? Would you still talk to him? Countless times I've seen church people, even leaders and pastors, who did...

Another Jesus

Paul talked about another Jesus to the Corinthians. Specifically, he said if he or any preacher should teach about another Jesus or another Gospel, a curse be on him or her. And many think today that Paul merely made a slight digression when he talked about it, not realizing that it was a prophecy. He was hinting on a real another Jesus coming to the church scene which the apostle John said was already active (spirit of anti-Christ) in their time and yet to be revealed in the last days--in our time, that is. And today, they're worshiping that other Jesus in church. Roman Catholics worship a Jesus statue and one that seems to be inside their small rounded Eucharist cracker (and which born again Christians also use), others worship a distorted Jesus (mere human Jesus or a Jesus confined to a building or specific day of the week), while born again  churches worship a worse kind of other Jesus . They're all the another Jesus . The one born aga...