
Restoring Worship to that of Heaven's

It's imperative that we develop sensitivity to what God's mood is and what he's up to. Moses knew when God was mad and when he was pleased. More so Jesus, the Son. Thus, the church should ask why God is allowing the church to stop meeting during this Covid crisis. What's God up to? [ Image above from this site] . It's not something incidental, fortuitous or accidental. No such thing to God. Everything has a purpose. So why did he allow a stop to church gatherings? Persecutions have tried to close down churches but what we have today is something different (though it may eventually lead to it if the anti-Christ enters the picture and starts ruling the world). Church is closed down for safety and survival, even of its own members, from a deadly virus. God allowed the virus to make governments prohibit all types of gatherings the world over. This is unprecedented in world history. In the process, churches are affected. So it's far from being systematic perse...

That Touch That Changes the King's Heart in These Crucial Times

PRAYER THAT TOUCHES GOD'S HEART These are preparation times. The Bride must be glorious for the Groom. In Esther's time, it took 12 months to prepare before finally meeting the king--6 months of cleansing through myrrh and 6 months of special oil scents and sweet spices. [Image above by Isaac Ordaz, Unsplash]. Then the candidates would choose what they wanted to wear to please the king. But Esther decided to ask "for nothing but what Hegai suggested." Hegai was among the closest to the king, being in charge of the king's harem. He knew exactly what pleased the king. In effect, Esther was desperate about what the king desired while other girls fancied about what would make them look good. So Esther won the king's heart. It's not what you want for the king, BUT WHAT THE KING WANTS. Today, we are facing a global pandemic that shakes and reveals the true nature of things we think we can rely on. God is exposing hidden idols in hearts, baring ...

How Do You Know God is Really Opening Up Scriptures To You?

Unless God opens up the meaning of Scriptures to you, you won't understand any of it. At best all you'd get is what the smart and wise of this world also get--the letter--which kills, according to Paul the apostle. What counts in the Kingdom is getting the Spirit of the Word, not the letter. [Image above by Aaron Burden, Unsplash]. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant--not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. [2 Corinthians 3.6] The Spirit gives life, says Jesus in John. "The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and life." So, it's the "spoken" Word you should get--spoken straight from God's own mouth--without which all you get is an intelligent appreciation of the bible. An earthly interpretation. Intelligent but it does not remove the veil that the god of this world has covered minds with. It cannot remove the curtain that keeps you from entering the holy of holies. The same thi...

Apostolic Move Preserves the Genuine Church

To protect itself  from worldliness, Acts church disciples (or followers of the Way) devoted themselves to the apostles' teachings [Acts 2.42]. The modern church doesn't. In fact, most church people today do not know what apostolic teachings are. In these last days when the devil is hellbent on deceiving even the elect (if that were possible), the church ought to devote itself to the apostles' teachings more than ever. [Photo above from Aditya Romansa, Unsplash] The ignorant think you have to be an apostle to be apostolic. Worse, they think the apostolic invents new gospels or adds new teachings to the Word of God. Fake apostolics may do that, but not the genuine ones. The apostolic simply means taking Jesus seriously and applying his spiritual principles to daily life and ministry as the apostles did--nothing more, nothing less. God's Word and ways alone. Nothing whatsoever of the world. Like the least being the greatest . It's a powerful teaching of Jesus [...

How the Apostolic Move Makes You Relevant in Heaven

No, you don't have to become an apostle or prophet to be in the apostolic. Apostolic means being relevant to what God is doing. Being in the same Kingdom wavelength. The apostles had that connection to heaven. Their faith enabled them to do what Jesus did, and then greater things, said Jesus. They did nothing else. They didn't sit down and plan and decide things among themselves what's next and then asked God to bless it. [Image above from Karl Magnuson, Unsplash]. The spiritual disease of the modern church is its desperation to make things happen on its own so it can beat some deadline or be ahead in some competition for greatness. It has lost the discipline to wait on God. It plans and prays and does as it pleases. Often, it copies from the world or gets hints from it. It lures people (its number one mistake) by giving them what they crave for. It identifies with the crowd. But no matter what accomplishments you get using worldly ways, you remain irrelevant in the ...

In the Old But Operating In the New

In this world but not of it. Jesus taught this vital Kingdom operation to his disciples to show what life of a true believer is. So followers of Jesus have this peculiar culture even if they're hedged in by other cultures in this world. Paul said there are no more earthly cultures in God's kingdom, no more races. [Photo above from Chaozzy Lin, Unsplash]. Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all. [Colossians 3] There's only one life and culture--Christ. Christ is all . The reverse is also true-- all is Christ . Therefore, church people who still think in terms of their nationality, race or earthly culture still operate in the system of this world--which is the Babylon system. Some churches have worship services for Americans, another for Koreans, another for Filipinos, etc. and they think it's some kind of accomplishment. Some churches are heavily influenced by their local ...

Prayer of the Righteous

We all know the passage--James 5.16--in the bible. And righteousness is by faith alone, not of good works, religion or anything else. But this is what strikes me. Watch the passage below: [Photo above by Aaron Burden, Unsplash]. 16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. 17 Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. 18 Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops. James was talking more of prayer that triggers the supernatural. We often connect this to our ordinary prayers, which is also good. But the context says more than that, and we shouldn't miss what it's really saying. James is telling us a key to miracles, signs and wonders and the supernatural. We shouldn't limit it to our ordinary needs. First, we note "co...