
Starting a Venture with "Zero Capital"

First off, this is not about some lucrative marketing or sales venture, though the principle can help lots with business started from scratch. Firstly, I'm talking about Kingdom business. God often starts his ventures with "zero capital." With the nation of Israel, he started with nothing. I mean, he called Abram from North Mesopotamia or Ur, sent him off with practically nothing and made him trek through no-man's land--bare desert and wilderness--exposing him vulnerably there. Initial zero capital. You may opt to see it this way, if you want the principle applied to your situation--God can start you off in an actual business undertaking from scratch. You just have to learn the principle like some business people I know who apply concepts in the bible to their businesses, and find them actually working. One believer started his now very profitable online business with a free blog. 😃 Photo by Liam Pozz on Unsplash . You know how challenging God's zero-capital pri...

How to Restart Your Life Powerfully

The seed God uses to transform your life. When your PC is overstuffed with files and stuff beyond it's storage limit, it can go berserk. Nope, it will go berserk. Totally insane. So you reboot. Worse, you reformat because the old files and trash are most likely contaminated with a virus which slowly wreaks havoc on your CPU. Sometimes, the best remedy is to buy a new unit. Whether reboot, reformat or buy new, the point is, you restart. It's the best option than temporary fixes which can end up making things worse. Should you opt to buy new due to a corrupted CPU, you save the files you need and junk the rest. Right? Or, you download the operating essentials. In a sense, you save the "seed" and restart with it. Photo by Ijaz Rafi on Unsplash . Kingdom Reboot Principle When God saw how the earth was thoroughly corrupted and beyond repair, he rebooted. Nope, he "bought" a new PC, as it were. He discarded the old but saved some "files" he wanted. By ...

Power of One Word

One small botanical seed is powerful. In time it can propagate and cover an entire mountain with forest. God's Word is Seed and it can work more powerfully. The big difference is, God's spiritual Seed is not bound by time. It can grow an entire nation in a day. It is designed to fulfill the impossible. Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children. [Isaiah 66] Photo above by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash .  One-Word Creation As soon as Zion travailed, nations were born through her. That didn't take a day. Travailing and birth happened in a split second. How? With one Word from God. One Word. If you think that to be impossible or you need to argue against it, watch how God created the universe. Just one Word per phase. The short sentence God declared during creation was really "one Word." When he declare...

They Focus on the Lamp

First off, thanks for inviting me here (finally) as admin and author, and I think it's about time (right Gaerlan CS?) because it's my email that's used in this blog 😄. Anyway, we plan to put up a gmail for Small Seed in the offing, just so there's less confusion with our readers.  Photo by Vladimir Fedotov on Unsplash . And talk about confusion, there's going to be lots of it in church in these last days. We get a hint from the Lord's parable about the 10 virgins--5 were wise and 5 were foolish or confused. Remember? The 5 foolish thought owning a lamp was enough to make them secure for the rapture (if you refuse to believe in the coming rapture, read on, before total confusion sets in).  Half of Christendom (or half of the modern church) are going to be foolish in these last days because they simply focus on their lamps, not the oil in the lamp. The lamp is given too much emphasis today. They spend enormous amount of money on it, renovate it, beautify it and ...

Sharpening with the Enemy

19 Not a blacksmith could be found in the whole land of Israel, because the Philistines had said, “Otherwise the Hebrews will make swords or spears!” 20 So all Israel went down to the Philistines to have their plow points, mattocks, axes and sickles sharpened.  So on the day of the battle not a soldier with Saul and Jonathan had a sword or spear in his hand; only Saul and his son Jonathan had them. [1 Samuel 13] Photo by C D-X on Unsplash .  First, the enemy limited them to inferior weaponry. Second, the enemy eliminated all means of sharpening. Third, it was the enemy who decided what kind of weapons Israel could have. Fourth, only the enemy could sharpen Israel's weapons. Fifth, the enemy decided who could have a sword and who couldn't. They were practically at the mercy of the enemy. Click here for a book review of God's Flesh. It was a useless war where everything was dictated by the enemy. Can you imagine having your enemy sharpen your sword? Not only is that ridicu...

Boxists and Others Who Use Virtues to Trap You

Beware of them. They're out there everywhere to trap people and make them do their bidding. Often, they pretend to espouse love, humility and patience to use them against people they want to control. And yup, it's all about control. They love to control and manipulate, and they won't hesitate to use all the religious arsenal available at their disposal. Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash . For lack of a better term, I sometimes refer to them as boxists . Not boxers. Boxers are expert punchers with their fists. Boxists love labeling people and putting them in boxes. You cannot be yourself and have a right to your own opinion. Nope. They categorize you and lump you with others they think are of the same persuasion.  Box-Type Boxists If you say you believe in eternal security, for instance, they automatically lump you with the Calvinists or Baptists or Fundamentalists. If you worship expressively, they put you in their Pentecostal box. If you believe in holiness, they'd put...

Experiencing the I AM the Way, Truth and Life

The I AM was how God introduced himself to the Israelites in the Old Testament. God told Moses to tell Pharaoh that His name was, "I AM who I AM."  Jesus did the same thing in the Gospel. He revealed that "Before Abraham was, I AM," to the chagrin of his hearers, prodding them to stone him. But he got away. Photo above by  JOHN TOWNER on Unsplash . In the Gospel, he did several I AM declarations: I am the Bread of Life I am the Light of this world I am the Resurrection and the Life I am the Gate I am the Door I am the Good Shepherd I am the True Vine I am He I am the Way, the Truth and the Life (you cannot separate these 3) However, these revelations are mere head knowledge until they're EXPERIENCED. I'm sure we all know Jesus as the Way, Truth and Life, aside from his other claims. I'd even dare say that probably most people out there in the streets know this. But knowing without experiencing is nothing. It's not that experience is the best teacher...