Don't Just Love Everybody
Frans Van Heerden Don't just love everybody. Love needs wisdom. This means we sometimes have to be distant, as sometimes we also have to be near. And there's a love that should mix with anger and even judgment. Why do I say all this? Because it's how God is. We should be imitators of God as dearly beloved children, says Apostle Paul. God's love is the best. Man's love is problematic. When God seems distant, it's his love for us. Himself being love , everything God does is love, even when he judges or condemns us. His anger and punishment is love. We have to understand this to apply correct love with others. We don't just love everybody in the way the world suggests we should. The world's idea of love is prone to abuse. And church is sometimes carried away by it. Especially unconditional love. God loves us "unconditionally," but that doesn't mean he lets us off the hook for every bad thing we do. Yeah, he loves us unconditionall...